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Viruses are not found in links. If an executable program is to hide behind it, that – unlike on a PC/computer – is just a link to an appstore, currently only that of Apple itself.
In addition, all access rights are controlled via the system, not by the application itself. It is not possible to execute them with admin rights, which does not even have the user.
A virus would copy itself to other devices, which is not possible at all.
However, what you need to pay attention to: if the link shows to an app that requires permissions, you should consider exactly why this app needs these notions.
The best example is the flashlight that does not have to access your contacts, images and music or know your exact location.
The hackers also have dignity and do not want to pay the 30% Apple Tax to Apple… So there’s little malware for it.
Fun aside, no system is 100% safe. A current iPhone is relatively safe, compared to an older device, which does not get the latest updates. Most security depends on the user. If you don’t share odd permissions, don’t click strange links, use better browsers and an ad blocker, you’re safest on the go.
It’s so good for viruses because the user does not even have admin rights on the device. Even if you wanted a virus to go on your own device, you have difficulty implementing it.
With other malware, it looks different. Spyware, who once made it to the official store, can of course drive it unwise. You need Apple.
More or less good. This also depends on the browser used. With Brave, you’ll be better protected than with Safari.
Otherwise, your iPhone is safe because strange apps cannot be installed so easily
Very good. And All iPhones.
Very good because you can only install what comes from the AppStore on an iPhone. Installation via link that does not refer to the AppStore or alternative AppStores is not possible.