Wie gründen zwei 19-Jährige erfolgreich eine Entrümpelungsfirma neben der Vollzeitbeschäftigung?
Welche Schritte und rechtlichen Anforderungen müssen zwei 19-jährige Freunde, die beide Vollzeit bis 14 Uhr arbeiten, beachten, um erfolgreich eine Entrümpelungsfirma als Kleingewerbe zu gründen? Welche allgemeinen Tipps und Best Practices sollten wir berücksichtigen, um unser Unternehmen profitabel und effizient zu führen,
A disarmament company needs a lot of storage space, because some of the things that have been picked up will still be usable, many such companies deserve to sell the goods taken over free of charge, for example when an entire apartment is cleared out, via ebay or flea markets or – if high quality – specifically on the collector market.
For everything that is actually just garbage (and there should be a connoisseur who can differentiate usable or real treasures of garbage, for example “art works” or old electrical appliances, for which collector prices are now paid, for example old mobile phone and computer models), you need a good wire to the next recycling farm, because in the quantities that are produced you can no longer get into the household garbage can, for example old mattresses.
For the same reason, a transporter is indispensable. Driving licences and vans must be, the stuff does not fly away from itself, and furniture can be neatly bulky, think of a complete closet wall that could still be sold for good money if one can unharmedly remove them. Craftsmanship skills to disassemble furniture without damage are indispensable, because large parts usually have to be disassembled for transport.
This is not always just small stuff that can be moved effortlessly, it is often expected by disarmament companies to take everything away and leave the empty apartment clean, including large pieces of furniture. The scope of the work must always be agreed with the contracting entity, including what should be left.
Always explore before or look at how much stuff is to be moved on site, otherwise you get problems with fully stuffed apartments due to part-time (and the charging capacity, etc. you have to drive several times), otherwise you’ve been working through a whole night.
The legal side to small business can be googles what is needed, registration with the tax office, with the municipality/city and so on, however, the acquisition limit with good goods, which spends a lot on Ebay, should also be asked what to do in this case.
Stay with the full-time office
For this purpose, the technical and technical examination in the disposal as well as personnel management are first required. You need to know what’s special waste, what’s coming into a container, what can be disposed of. You have to know the trade order. The company must then be entered in the commercial register and various insurance companies must be completed, such as liability, environmental liability and environmental damage insurance. You need a large car, which also costs money and insurance, you need to provide guidance certificates and safety certificates from the tax office for the establishment of a company. For financing, a watertight financial plan must be drawn up and, in any case, a so-called operating diary must always be kept.
What is an operating diary?
You have to do this in the building cleaners or Refrigeration industry to document what work you have done where and the customer must sign this.
The two founders should already know such basic knowledge of self-employment.
Why don’t you go with an existential seminar?