Wie gross werde ich werden?
Hallo Zusammen
ich bin gerade 15 Jahre alt und ca 171cm gross. Mein Bruder ist 18 und gleich gross wie Ich. Ist es wahrscheinlich das ich grösser werde als mein Bruder oder wir gleich gross bleiben? Und wenn ich grösser werden sollte, wie gross werde ich etwa?
Can’t be said. My sister actually grows since she was 14/15 no longer, a friend of mine was until he was 15 was always really small, so probably somewhere in the 1.50 range, and at once when I haven’t seen him for a long time, he was somehow so 1.80 almost.
So, as I said, everyone is different. Your brother has nothing to say. My sister is also older than me, and she is 18 and about 1.60 and I am 15 and 1.70.
According to statistics, you grow until the 21st year of life.
Your invalid size can only tell you your doctor, but these are also only forecasts. If you become bigger or smaller than the doctor says you can’t answer, you’ll see with time.
When or how fast you grow, no one can know.
how much you can grow
No one can say that, for example, genes of previous generations (Oma, Opa, Uroma, Uropa) still play a role.
You have to see how big your grandparents were, etc.
It’s innate.