Wie gross ist die Chance, dass man vor Ort noch ein Taylor Swift Ticket bekommt?
Habe leider keine Tickets für die Eras Tour mehr bekommen, aber würde das Konzert so gerne sehen. Wie gross ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass man noch ein Ticket bekommt, wenn man vor dem Stadium wartet? Es gibt doch sicher Personen, die versuchen ihre Tickets dort noch zu verkaufen oder nicht?
Several thousand people are planning to face the stadium and listen to the concert from outside. Even if some people still sell their tickets, the chance is low that you get a ticket. Where it is certainly about who offers the most money for the ticket
It’s hardly possible about fanals. I tried it there. The only possibility would be Ebay, but there you have to pay horrendous prices only for the pre-sale right and you don’t even have the actual ticket. Get out of here.
Even if someone wants to sell his tickets there is such a high urge that you have to be lucky to see this person first to sell them to you. In short: The chance is not quite at zero, but quite close. Alternatively, you can get an overpriced ticket on Ebay
There are always people who want to get rid of cards before the stadium. Just try it and maybe you’re lucky
This will hardly work at Taylor Swift, as the tickets are personalized and can only be seen on the Eventim app.
With many people you can still repersonalize the site
I have two more tickets to Munich FOS 2. Contact us
When is the concert in Munich?
Are the cards still available?
Are the cards still available?
I am on holiday, but thank you:/