Wie gross darf ein Wurf eurer Meinung nach in einer WaCa-Fanfiction maximal sein?
Es ist ja so, dass in WarriorCats in der Regel maximal ein Wurf aus maximal vier Jungen besteht und daran werde ich mich auch orientieren. Theoretisch könnte eine Katze aber auch mehr Junge bekommen. Deshalb wollte ich eich fragen, ob es eine gewisse Anzahl Junge gibt, bei denen es euch stören würde.
Well, one must say, of course, that in WarriorCats many cats have only one litter and the first litter of cats usually also consists in real only 2 or 3 boys. So this is not so unrealistic now.
However, there are exceptions. (Feuerstern’s mother and his sister had both five boys in one litter) So you can work with more boys than four per litter, the question is more whether this makes sense for a fanfiction. In the case of fire stars and cloudsworse siblings, of course, this is not a problem, since they simply live somewhere as domestic kittens, while five litter siblings in a clan are quite concerned with problems (which must be all supplied and when they reach the age of pupils are also trained) and also when writing there are some challenges, as one should also thematize an above-averagely large litter and the boys also need a character.
But there can certainly be moments in which one can incorporate such. For example, if a ClanKatze gets boy together with a house kitten or a single runner and then split among themselves so to speak or give a part in the clan (as did for example princess with a cloud swath) or some of the boys leave the clan (when they die or join another cat group etc.) One could, of course, use a big throw for a prophecy (as something like “Only the Seventh can save the Clan.)
So I’d say the limit is reached at five boys, so I did it at least in my fanfiction.
Does the cats in WaCa correspond to their “real” earthly role models? Then you should stay with what is the norm for real cats. You might be able to move the throw size slightly up or down; but not too far. But it is a fanfic; That means, in a narrow framework, you can set the rules according to which your story works – as long as they do not conflict with the established rules of the WaCa universe. So if it is necessary for your story that the throw consists, for example, of only 2 or 6 babies instead of the usual 4 – then there is nothing against it as long as you can conclusively justify it in the inner logic of the WaCa universe.
As already said in the question, I will be guided by the books, because it is simply more sensible. So that was a pure Was-ist-eure opinion about it.
2-5 or 3-6 (data vary) is quite the norm.
The record of 19 cat babies in a litter (including four dead births) is nothing you want to read in a WaCa Fanfiction, I think.
I think you should ideally stay with the norm. Also consider that in the first litter it is usually less kitten than in other litters.
More than 6 would be problematic.