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bin ich sehr zu dünn?
bin w/16 1/2 49.5 kg 1.67 cm bmi 17.6 oder so
Was hilft dagegen?
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It’s hard to appreciate how big you are. It lacks a comparison or something to appreciate it better.
Between 1.60 and 1.65
Is a guess game…
Could be 160 – 165 cm.
I tend to be 160 cm.
But guess what – ask.
After several times I tend to look at clearly under 160 cm. Could even be clearly under 155 cm or smaller.
But as I said, it’s a guess game.
Please open the riddle.
I would appreciate 1.65m.
But I’m pretty bad at it, I have to say.
I take myself as a measure as I look at pictures and guess she’s on average big. So 1.65m could go.
Small fish
I would’ve tipped to 1.60m.
About 1.6
Greetings DayX19
158cm would be my tip.
It’s easier to see if you’re in front of the person.
Almost under 1.60m.
The backgrounds are quite large compared.
Approximately 1.58 m
1,60 would I say
14 and 155
1,67 m
well, that would be really exaggerated, but she’ll be happy.
Why is she happy?
< 150 cm
Maximum 1.60 m.