Wie groß werde ich wahrscheinlich noch werden?
Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und 1.81cm
Mutter: 1.68cm Vater: 1.75cm Bruder: 1.85cm
Habe Schuhgröße 45/46 habe auch noch eine gyno und irgendwie ein babyface.
Ich treibe auch sport (fitness)
Nehme auch Medikamente z.b vitamin d, zink , Magnesium usw.
Hello! A doctor can calculate it quite accurately. I can only guess
You will certainly no longer orient yourself to the parents
But in rarer cases, genetics also surpass a generation and align themselves with the requirements of the grandparents. Even branched blood relations can be in play.
I’ll see you at 1.85 – like your brother. With about 18 the growth joints (epiphysis joints) are finally, rarely a little later.
I wish you a nice weekend and your wish size
Thank you
Do you think I might be bigger than my brother? Was at birth the biggest my brother 52cm and I 54cm
All possible
I think you can’t really calculate or determine the invalid body size in these factors…
Let your hand shine. A doctor can determine the body size that is likely to be achieved by the growth of bone cartilage.
It’s innate.
Does it have something to do with how big it was when it was born?