Wie groß werde ich wahrscheinlich noch werden?

Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und 1.81cm

Mutter: 1.68cm Vater: 1.75cm Bruder: 1.85cm

Habe Schuhgröße 45/46 habe auch noch eine gyno und irgendwie ein babyface.

Ich treibe auch sport (fitness)

Nehme auch Medikamente z.b vitamin d, zink , Magnesium usw.

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kami1a, UserMod Light

Hello! A doctor can calculate it quite accurately. I can only guess

You will certainly no longer orient yourself to the parents

But in rarer cases, genetics also surpass a generation and align themselves with the requirements of the grandparents. Even branched blood relations can be in play.

I’ll see you at 1.85 – like your brother. With about 18 the growth joints (epiphysis joints) are finally, rarely a little later.

I wish you a nice weekend and your wish size

kami1a, UserMod Light
Reply to  Action969

All possible

1 year ago

I think you can’t really calculate or determine the invalid body size in these factors…

Let your hand shine. A doctor can determine the body size that is likely to be achieved by the growth of bone cartilage.

1 year ago

It’s innate.