Wie groß werde ich einmal?
Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und 170cm groß meine Eltern sind 163cm und 176cm wie groß werde ich einmal
Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und 170cm groß meine Eltern sind 163cm und 176cm wie groß werde ich einmal
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Hey Leute ich bin M15 werde am 13.07.23 16 Jahre alt und 170cm groß. Mich würde interessieren was ihr schätzen würdet, wie groß ich in der Zukunft werde. Ich habe Hoffnung, dass ich noch 180cm werde, was meint ihr?
Every person grows differently and there are bigger and smaller ones in your age.
You can grow until 21 years of age.
Take off with girls -6.5cm.
With guys +6.5cm to count there.
There is such an invoice the size of the mother + the size of the father then divided by 2 +6.5cm, then you will have your size where will be.
163cm+176cm =339cm ÷2 =169.5cm +6.5cm =176cm
You get 176cm tall.
Maybe you’ll get bigger.
I’m a man and I’m 30 years old.
I’m 168cm tall.
Stand now I am 176cm but still
No one will be able to tell you exactly. There is a formula that you can calculate, but according to which you would stay smaller than your father.
And in the end, it depends on how exactly the genetic material of your parents has assembled so that you can get out. There are many possibilities.
Can you also buy a glass ball and ask them
Ah okey still thank you for your answer
According to statistics, you grow until the 21st year of life.
Your invalid size can only tell you your doctor, but these are also only forecasts. If you become bigger or smaller than the doctor says you can’t answer, you’ll see with time.
When or how fast you grow, no one can know.
Villeicht still 10 cm but Villeicht also only 2. That you can’t say
Ah okey hope it will be 10cm
Think as big as your father.
At least it was like me,
I’m going out at a maximum of 175-177. Or you’re a late lighter in terms of growth, should there be
So my father was with my age only something with 160-165cm he has grown quite late too
Hello, Serix!
Maybe as big as your father? However, this can hardly be calculated as a consequence of genetics. After all, the body size is influenced by over 180 genes.
If you want to know more closely, find a doctor. Using an X-ray image – usually from the left hand root bone – one can precisely determine the level of development. After matching with an experience table, you can create a forecast with over 70% accuracy
I wish you all the best and your wish size
I’m not guessing. The size is innate.