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latricolore, UserMod Light
Reply to  Jewel1522

I thank you for the star 🙂

Then this one more:
After the victory and taking of Rome by the Celts on the 18th July 390 BC was better attached to Rome – among other things through the construction of Naval wall (from 387 BC).

At wiki\_Mauer
you can see them and also find this:

The wall reached a height of ten meters and was up to four meters thick, with a length of eleven kilometers around all seven hills of the city.

And you have the comparison to the much later built Aurelian Wall (270-282 A.D.) with significantly different dimensions.
This is at least a point of reference – the dimensions around 64 n. Chr. lay somewhere in between.

And here\_incendio\_di\_Roma
this is still:

Lt. Tacitus broke the fire in the night of 19. July at Circus Maximus and lasted 9 days. Of the 14 districts, 3 burned completely, and III-Iside e Serapis (today Colle Oppio), XI-Circo Massimo and X-Palatino – see the drawing. There were only a few ruins left in another 7 quarters and only 4 districts remained unharmed.
There were thousands of dead and about 200,000 homeless.

Certainly more could be found, but since I don’t want to write a seminar paper… 😉

latricolore, UserMod Light

Always like 🙂