wie groß sind die kästchen bei den packstationen?

ich hab ein paket, welches genau 50cm in der breite, 8cm in der höhe und 35cm in der länge ist. Hab die Maße nicht im Kopf und das Paket kommt mir von der größe her etwas zu groß vor. Könnte ich so ein Paket bei einer Packstation abgeben oder sind die maße dafür zu groß?

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5 months ago

Packing station: How big can packages be? (paketda.de)

10 seconds search engine and direct first link

and embedded in it will also find a link to DHL Reception with the Packstation | DHL Private Customer Service and there is the following

Shipments with a minimum size of 15 x 11 x 1 cm (S-fold) and a maximum size of 75 x 60 x 40 cm (XL-fold) are suitable for the packing station. Please note, however, that not every packaging station has an XL compartment.

If your shipment exceeds the permissible dimensions, it may happen that your package is redirected to a branch.

The maximum permissible maximum weight for the delivery and collection of consignments at the packing station is 31.5 kg.

5 months ago

There are compartments in a packing station, you could sit in it.

A package fits in the size described.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jonasboy100

so in a compartment of 75*60*40cm I don’t squeeze in…

5 months ago
Reply to  MichaelSAL74

If you shouldn’t, it was just an explanation that the compartments for certain packages are large enough. I’m not gonna sit in there either, I’m gonna face the door suddenly and I can’t open it from inside again. Horror.

5 months ago

It’s good that there are the unlocking levers from the inside, but in the dark you’re sure they won’t find them so fast. And I’d also be afraid that I wouldn’t get enough air in it. I will definitely not let it get to it 🙂

5 months ago

…just imagine the door suddenly goes and I can’t open it from inside again.

Since there have actually been some light-senses in it, unblocking levers have been installed in the large compartments since the app was introduced. Recently, the fire department had to release a 17-year-old with violence from an older packing station.

5 months ago

That’s exactly what came into my mind as a first thought, sometimes I have a general problem with narrow spaces.

5 months ago

There are different sizes.

5 months ago

Google helps