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There is no REGEL for that. No paragraph. 😀
That’s very different. I was about 160 cm.
Then I made a jump and now I am 190 cm with 16 years, so that’s still coming.
the feet should reach to the ground while standing upright (preferably both at the same time).
With 14 you don’t have to have a certain size.Every man is different. But the average in my class is 170-175.
There is no need to grow here, everyone starts to grow differently early/late and the process accordingly also takes place quickly and slowly.
Greetings Schuhbach
Boy, girl? It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to do anything.
to die
One minute there is the rule: not more than 165 cm, but also not less than 164 cm.
Human bluehead there is no rule, one is just as big as one is, there is almost everything normal.
Take the “almost” away 😛
No, that’s not because there are actually ill-like small or big growth, against which one can/solt.