Wie groß ist eigentlich der Akku von Elektrobussen?

Wie groß ist eigentlich der Akku von Elektrobussen? Beispiele: Ebusco, MAN Lion’s City E, Solaris Urbino electric und Mercedes eCitaro. Wie groß sind die Akkus dieser Busse? Wie viel Reichweite haben sie?

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10 months ago

1. Ebusco 2.2: The Ebusco 2.2 buses typically have battery capacities of up to 660 kWh and a range of about 300-400 km.

Two. MAN Lion’s City E: The MAN Lion’s City E has battery capacities of up to 480 kWh and a range of about 200-250 km depending on the version.

3. Solaris Urbino electric: Solaris Urbino electric buses have battery capacities of up to 550 kWh and a range of about 200-300 km, depending on the model.

4. Mercedes eCitaro: The Mercedes eCitaro has battery capacities of up to 292 kWh and a range of about 150-250 km, depending on the operating conditions.

If you really want to know a size and a scale you should google the exact model.

10 months ago
Reply to  Koio78

Yes absolute!

10 months ago

Here we would have to look at individual special models more closely