Wie groß ist eigentlich der Akku von Elektrobussen?
Wie groß ist eigentlich der Akku von Elektrobussen? Beispiele: Ebusco, MAN Lion’s City E, Solaris Urbino electric und Mercedes eCitaro. Wie groß sind die Akkus dieser Busse? Wie viel Reichweite haben sie?
1. Ebusco 2.2: The Ebusco 2.2 buses typically have battery capacities of up to 660 kWh and a range of about 300-400 km.
Two. MAN Lion’s City E: The MAN Lion’s City E has battery capacities of up to 480 kWh and a range of about 200-250 km depending on the version.
3. Solaris Urbino electric: Solaris Urbino electric buses have battery capacities of up to 550 kWh and a range of about 200-300 km, depending on the model.
4. Mercedes eCitaro: The Mercedes eCitaro has battery capacities of up to 292 kWh and a range of about 150-250 km, depending on the operating conditions.
If you really want to know a size and a scale you should google the exact model.
Then the battery is bigger than electric cars
Yes absolute!
The above models
Here we would have to look at individual special models more closely
But the buses themselves are also heavy because they are very large. Do you know how much KW can charge the buses? How long does it take to 100%? Can electric buses charge quickly?