Wie groß ist die Rolle, die die Wirkung vom Alkohol beim “Alkoholgenuss” spielt?
Meiner Meinung nach ziemlich groß.
Keiner kann mir erzählen, dass Alkohol von sich aus gut schmeckt. Die meisten müssen den Geschmack erst “erlernen”, d.h. man gewöhnt sich an den unangenehmen Geschmack und assoziiert ihn mit der Zeit mit was Positivem, insbesondere mit der Wirkung, jedoch natürlich auch mit dem Image (Weinkenner gelten ja weitläufig als sehr kultiviert). So jedenfalls mein Eindruck. Wie seht ihr das?
Anyone who consumes alcohol naturally expects an effect that is also promptly used.
You can’t say that at all. The taste has never been unpleasant to me, whether beer wine or liquor. On the contrary, in particular, schnapps tastes quite good, although not every variety.
This is because alcohol, similar to eating, for example, the fat, is actually a flavor carrier…
That’s different, though.
That’s not what I say, science says, e.g. here with wine:
Without if and but – alcohol is a taster that emphasizes other aromas such as red berries, cherries and spices of wine and gives a long-lasting finish. In addition, the alcohol, as a natural preservative, also serves the ripening process.
Well, what does that mean that alcohol doesn’t taste good in itself? You don’t drink alcohol in yourself anyway. You drink when an alcoholic beverage, preferably one, tastes you. For example, one likes a beer and the other likes a cocktail or a glass of wine. Why should this be enjoyable only if the effect is noticeable? If someone consciously buys an expensive bottle of wine and wants to make a glass for their birthday, that is definitely a pleasure for me. I don’t think he was thinking of the effect in any way when buying and planning because it’s not all about it.
I see it rather differently, the more you can enjoy alcoholic beverages or combine enjoyment, the more there is the risk of an alcohol problem. For it is no longer enjoyed in the actual sense, that is to say something conscious and slow to do, but it is drunken and the word enjoyment is redefined for itself. And everyone who has a cat the next day curses the alcohol and the consumption of the previous evening. And with hardly one, it was really the only hangover in his life… with many it is so that alcohol is drunk in society and the person recalls a funny and cheerful, sympathetic hours. So the alcohol is coupled with a positive experience/feeling, and this is then called back to the person every time from the brain when the next similar situation is present and the unpleasant consequences are becoming less and less present. There are many who are going to celebrate every weekend and really baptize to unconsciousness or at least in many cracks. Most of them still work under the week in their normal job. And that is what this person, in my opinion, saves not to slip into the alcohol dependence. The search potential is immensely high, but the sense of responsibility is even higher. Imagine now, however, the person suddenly loses their profession, gave countless examples in Corona times, taking personal problems and so on. How does the person begin to compensate for these worries if they are no longer stable? You’re being stunned… And then the way to the addiction begins.
With me very big duchaus. When you look off from likörpralines, alcohol doesn’t taste me at all. Therefore, I usually only drink to intoxicate myself. Is drink rarely, but when I get drunk, that’s a decision I usually meet before. Otherwise, I’d rather say a little bit about it except perhaps for social reasons. (If you get plum wine/liqueur at the end of the Asian Ben glass. I’ll drink it too.
So in alcohol, it’s a lot like that, but not like smoking. You always get bad and taste NULL. In alcohol there are many variations in alcohol-free and if you only know them, they also taste. But beer drinkers often mean that the beer does not taste without alcohol…In the case of wine – I have already tested alcohol-free – so far no one has been able to taste me and so I do not drink any wine anymore because I simply want to dispense with alcohol as a personal decision.
I can only speak for myself and for a few people I know well.
Got a lot of whisky at home. The alcohol dissolves the ingredients and is primary flavoring.
If I work with 20 ml of whisky for one hour, this is under 10 ml to maybe 11 ml of alcohol.
Its effect is irrelevant because it is exclusively about taste and enjoyment and also rarely follows a second glass.
For whisky, however, it also applies that it is often not automatically enjoyed and the taste must first be “learned”.
That depends on what occasion you drink. Those who drink a lot at a party are most likely to hope for an effect.
If you sit in a café and have a cocktail for dinner in the evening, for example, you often drink to enjoy.
Of course. A beer tastes delicious, a wine tastes delicious. When we talk about vodka, of course, it’s different.
like many other things that don’t intoxicate too? 😀 coffee … fucking SENF or something?
But of course, as a human being, it would probably never have begun to develop and consume these products if they did not have the effect, that is clear
Of course… for all those who look at alcoholic beverages only or primarily as a means of alcohol abuse, so in order to give themselves a full reconciliation… for all those, the alcoholic beverages may play a major or even superior role.
ABER… alcoholic beverages are primarily consumables. This term has its implications.
It is a question of view…
No one can tell you…? Okay, then a discussion would have ended at the latest. You have your fixed opinion. Other opinions don’t seem to count… or do you just want to provoke?
Of course, it tastes “alcohol. But no one drinks pure alcohol and hopefully this is not meant.
Your experiences are not known to me, but who prefers to enjoy alcoholic drinks should not drink a fusel.
It is not a contradiction that one must first learn the enjoyment of certain foods. This also includes coffee. Would you like to say your first coffee would have tasted you? Coffee can be a great pleasure. But this enjoyment also wants to be learned first. The first coffee tastes only bitter to most people. That’s normal.
Special features of taste the human palate has to get used to. This includes everything in the direction of bitter, salty, sour…
Toddlers prefer almost exclusively sweet food and/or similar beverages. Everything else comes with time…
I like to drink alcohol, but relatively rare and exclusively for pleasure. If I drink a glass of champagne, I also take alcohol to myself, but in the foreground is always enjoyment.
With a glass of wine I see it as well or with a cocktail, cognac or whisky.
But if you only buy cheap fusel, you shouldn’t complain about missing pleasure…
A glass of champagne or wine, from time to time, is neither harmful nor is it the risk of dependence.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
All right.
That might have been a bit overshot of me. I still like to hear those opinions 🙂
How much is it a matter of consideration for alcohol as well. I only consider alcohol as a means for the purpose of alcohol abuse, for comatrinks and a full reconciliation, or I like a drink. The latter then serves the pleasure.
I think the entire culture of drinking is a form of sublimation in order to conceal the actual motive (to enjoy the effect of the alcohol) by social acceptance.
And that’s what someone who likes to drink alcohol himself. 😉
I see it as you do. Hardly anyone drinks alcoholic beverages only of the will of taste, but of course also because of the effect and also because of the whole drummer.
If that weren’t the case, all non-alcoholic wines, beers and schnapps would drink, and that’s not true. Is that really alcohol-free liquor?
There’s apparently alcohol-free whiskey. But it seems to be a pretty niche and I don’t know how it tastes.
I absolutely don’t taste alcohol, I find his taste disgusting and so I drank alcohol exclusively because of the effect and since I don’t like it anymore I don’t drink alcohol anymore. My favorite drink is cold milk if the effect would have like alcohol I would now be either alcoholic or a serious dilemma.
There are delicious alcohol-free drinks, no one would have to drink alcohol because he finds nothing else. Whether the evening beer, a red wine to the wild or a port wine to dessert, champagne to festive occasions or the liquor as a digestive helper. I call the Alibi Sauferei
I would prefer a non-alcoholic drink to an alcoholic beverage at any time.