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Warum essen Vegetarier kein Fleisch aber Gemüse?
Hallo liebe Community, speziell die Vegetarier bzw Veganer. Der Einfachheit bleibe ich bei diesem Text nur bei einem (männlichen) Geschlecht ohne dabei die vielen anderen zu vergessen oder vernachlässigen zu wollen. Ist es jedem Veganer/Vegetarier frei überlassen, wann etwas Gefühle hat bzw wann etwas lebt? Ein wichtiges Argument der Vegetarier ist ja das Leid, dass…
Since animals get vitamin B12 supplements from mass animal husbandry, meat often contains more vitamin B12.
Yeah, I know.
In my family there is basically a b12 deficiency before being passed on, which is why I have hung a vegetarian/Vegane diet on my head but then I fell on that I can not even buy bio exclusively because in conventional more b12 is in it.
How would it be easy to take a preperate? 🙂 in the end it is more to take the B12 directly than to buy the meat where the animal takes the supplements.
What has vitamin B12 to do with it to eat vegetable? 30% of people have a B12 deficiency regardless of their diet. For this, these preparations were developed, not only dancers and vegetarians.
I don’t know that much of a purely plant-based diet has so far been played by every one of my relatives the low-fat slime crazy I want to stay with the omnivorous diet.
My big brother has the precursor of cancer and my mother is in a wheelchair, I don’t want to put it on it.