Wie groß die Gesichter beim zeichnen?
Ich hab seit neustem angefangen zeichnen zu lernen. Ich möchte gerne Anime charactere zeichnen doch im moment habe ich das problem das ich nicht weiß wie groß ich die gesichter zeichnen soll. Manchmal sind sie zu klein und manchmal zu groß. Wenn ich sie zu klein mache dann ist es immer schwierig die haare zu zeichnen und wenn ich es zu groß mache, sehen die Haare immer komisch aus. Eventuell habt ihr ja Tipps wie groß man so einen Kopf zeichnen sollte
There are actually rules which part of the head should be made. I don’t have it on my own, but I’m sure you can googlen. I only know with anime, the head can be slightly larger, shouldn’t look realistic. In Chubbies, for example, the head takes up a third of the entire height (standing). So there is a lot of variance, and it still looks good – it depends on how much you want to abstract.
I think you have another problem. For example, there are different possibilities in order. Some draw the face and then the head shape around it, so I do that because I rarely draw whole bodies and the proportion is therefore not so important. But in most books it is recommended to draw (prescribed) first the head shape and then the face in there. I always look kind of weird.
What do you mean you look funny with your hair? Does it look good if you just paint your head?
Basically, you can make the hair look good at any head size;)
By the way, we intuitively tend to draw the head rather too big, because it is a subconscious focus. But it’s not bad, especially with anime.
At the moment I first draw the head shape, then the eyes/nase/mouth/ ears and then at the end the hair
Good to draw the hair first – unconventional – but probably rather difficult 🙂 Look again on templates you like.
You could also work with extreme extremes: sometimes a tiny head in relation to the body is not tiny on the sheet (the body does not have to be completely seen) and vice versa a huge head, just like those wobble figures. The head should always have the same size on the sheet so that you can work out the hair in detail.
When you draw an adult person, the person is as big as 6 heads (as a rule of thumb). The shoulders are so wide that a half (typical anime) or a whole (realistic) fits next to the head.
If I make a single face, fill in about A4. Like…
But can do it differently.