Wie groB ist der pH-Wert in reinem Wasser bei 5°C und bei 50°C?
Angaben: pKw (5°C) = 14,7338 und pKw (50°C) = 13,2617
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Hallo eine kleine Verständnisfrage: Ich hab hier was grob gezeichnet. Wie vielfach auf Youtube zu sehen, kann ich diverse Kunststoffe (Zahl 0 auf der Abbildung) ohne Sauerstoff mittels Holzfeuer auf ca. 500°C erhitzen und das entstehende Gas über Schleuche in aneinander gereihte Kanister strömen lassen. Ich bin kein Chemiker aber rein nach logischem Denken müssten…
Unfortunately, I do not know well enough to calculate here, but it is as far as I know that the pH also increases with increasing temperature.
PS: I hope that helps
Water is considered neutral because the autoprotolysis produces equal numbers of H3O+ and OH ions. With increasing temperature, protolysis increases and the H3O+ ions become somewhat more effective or the water becomes a little “acid”. Precise backgrounds and the pH at different temperatures can be found in the table in the annex.
This is about the ion product of autoprotolysis of water at various temperatures:
PKw = Kw
Kw= [OH] * [H3O+] => [OH-] = [H3O+] => Kw = [H3O+]2 => [H3O+] = √Kw =>
pH = -lg[H3O+] = – lg√Kw
This would then be pH7.34 at 5° and pH6.63 at 50° C.