How do I (best) access files in different clouds belonging to different Windows users?

For more cloud storage with Microsoft, I have the MS365 Family subscription and have set up an MS account for each of my parents.

I can now log into Windows on both of my computers with either my own account, or with my mother's or my father's.

So everything is working exactly as I wanted it to, and I now have a total of 3 TB of cloud storage available.

However, and this is my question to you, I can't find a truly elegant and efficient way to move large amounts of content back and forth between the three cloud storages. When I log in to Windows as myself, I have no access to my parents' two cloud storages, and vice versa, of course. Not even the clipboard is preserved when I log in as my mother or father via user switching…

The only method I can think of is the time-consuming process of saving larger files to a USB stick, then switching users and copying the files from the USB stick to the other cloud.

Can you think of a more elegant way to switch between the three cloud contents in order to be able to access all the contents of the 3 TB cloud storage more or less as if it were a 3 TB cloud storage?

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2 months ago

I personally do this:

On my PC, I’m logged in to OneDrive with my main account.

In my second account, I packed all folders etc. into an over folder. I then released this to the “family” and then linked to my main account.

So I see all the content of all accounts in my file explorer and can move things without any problems.

Here are the pictures in the following:

Release arrow:

Shared section:

Link button:

2 months ago
Reply to  Mannimanaste

To make step 2 I use the browser (possibly new private window if you are already logged in to the main account in the browser). So just register and share for one-time. Then he’s linked as I said.

Step 3: So I do it just because it’s easier. I don’t know how your folder structure looks, but idR has several folders and documents. It is faster and simpler to release an over-order once and to link instead of several. You can do as you want.

(a) For release there is such an arrow next to the folder (see picture above).

(b) I’m making the release to the “family” because all these are my accounts. If it’s for you, you can only share the folder with your individual account by entering your email address or username.

To 5: Again in the browser, this time log in with the main account (which is why very good to open private windows, because they do not know the login data of the other windows) and then the just released folder should be at “Shared” on the left bar (picture above). There is then a button to link as much as the one to release (picture above).

Hope I could reasonably explain it..

2 months ago

So I personally don’t think of saving any data from Microsoft anyway. I have a SMB share running on my Nas installed on the TrueNas. So I can provide my memory. Everyone in my household can access it and also access all the documents and files of the others. Of course, you can also adjust that it is separated or that some things cannot be deleted as you need. I can also use it on my phone and iPad and even on the go with a VPN.

2 months ago

If you open the OneDrive client on the PC, you should be able to add more accounts/users without having to log on/off or change the Windows user, so you can log in with multiple OneDrive/Office/Microsoft accounts and use them on the PC at the same time.

2 months ago

Funny, it works with me, I’m registered on my PC with several OneDrive Personals (Private) and Onedrive Business Accounts(in total 5 Accounts)