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Toxins, effects and symptoms:The plant contains the heart-active glycoside oleandrin.
The poisoning symptoms are headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, slowed pulse, pupil enlargement, cramps, blue lipprenes and hands. The glycosides cause cardiac arrhythmias, which can also lead to death by cardiac paralysis after 2 to 3 hours with correspondingly strong poisoning. The effect of the poison is similar to that of the red finger hat.
In some cases, skin irritations also occur when the plant is touched. The milk juice can penetrate the skin through wounds and thus lead to poisoning. In the USA, poisoning with the oleander occurs repeatedly when oleander branches are used for the barbecue. Strong poisonings are rare, however, as the plant has a strongly bitter taste and the toxins are therefore rapidly broken out.Nevertheless, families with children should avoid keeping the oleander in the garden as a cinnamon shrub.
Animal toxin:
Oleander is toxic to horses, cattle and cows, pigs, sheep and goats. Also for dogs and cats, rabbits and rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs as well as for birds. The fatal dose for horses is 15 – 20 g of fresh leaves, cattle usually die after taking 10 – 20 g of leaves and sheep after 1 – 5 g. The poisoning symptoms are pupil enlargement, lowering the body temperature and associated cool legs as well as stomach intestinal discomfort with diarrhea. Death, like in humans, occurs through cardiac paralysis. In poisoned mares, miscarriage can occur. Oleander is also kept in parks or in public places as a pot plant. If the flowers or leaves fall down or are aborted by wind or storm, they represent a danger for dog puppies.
Healing effect and medical application:
Oleander is used medically as a heart remedy. In homeopathy it is used in damage and weakness of the heart muscle, angina pectoris, edema as well as in gastric and intestinal inflammation.
And where did you say that? There should be a source if it didn’t “have grown up on your crap.” LG gadus
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