Wie gewöhne ich meine Kaninchen Pellets ab?
Hallo Kaninchen Liebhaber,
Meine beiden sind mit Pellets aufgewachsen und zu uns gekommen. Ich bin gar kein Fan von Pellets weshalb ich sie langsam aber sicher von Pellets abgewöhnen möchte. Wie mach ich das am Besten?
Dankeschön schonmal im Voraus!
My rabbits have grown up with pellets or dry food. We’ve made it that we’ve given less and less of the dry food, and more salt, carrot and the sweet bunny stuff. We then mixed this and after about half a year they did not get dry food. My rabbit hasn’t been eating dry food for three years, but only vegetables. He might get a leak if I do something with him, but otherwise he only eats vegetables.
I hope I could help you!
You have rabbits, no rabbits:) but otherwise everything is right. Better feed fresh food, that’s the main feed of rabbits.
As an immediate measure, let all pellets swell into some water for two hours before feeding (to the inside, but not a patschnasser Brei).
Then the risk of gastric overcharging has already been banned, because the pellets do not first swell in the stomach.
And then within four to six weeks in very small steps every day the amount is reduced a bit.
they are not
I’m sorry for rabbits
All right:) I thought because hares are not pets.