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I’d be too foul. Because there is no sauce. However, the body cannot draw many vitamins from it and also not so many things that it otherwise needs. Unless you’ve eaten something right for that day
Actually, this was just the way I could shut my heartburn. Salmon is still in the oven
Then it’s different:) Salmon sounds good too:)
Better with sauce
Looks delicious for me, but too dry. I’d make another delicious sauce.
That doesn’t appeal to me visually at all.
Another steak then top so also absolutely edible. I’m sure I’ll be able to save the sauce on vegetables.
It’s a healthy vegetable dish, I’d eat something like that, the steak or the bratwurst, you just have to rub it off.
Without fat, herbal cucumber or so probably extremely bulky. At the latest in the seemingly natural huge mortar pieces. I’d like to eat the vegetables.
yes, I had to sneak the carrots no longer fit into the AuntEmma pot.
Yeah, I’m eating something like that.
With a light sauce.
What do you mean, how much calories?
I don’t know.
Yes – can eat “man”…;)
I would have done it more appealing – and create a tasty little bit!
is it so healthy? without salt and sauce
Even the healthiest – I am just about to live completely salt-free…
Is there not a person – so-called – “People’s habit” ?
Certainly not. Doesn’t look appetizing and seems pretty stupid.
ok LG
Let you taste:-))
All right
But not so much potatoes.
I would miss a sauce… a mustard sauce with boiled eggs or a steak with brown sauce or a bearnaise with vine meat
Bäh, I would never eat