Wie gesund bewertet ihr mein essen heute?
Geht vorallem um den Inhalt, nicht die Menge.
bin w, 1.58m 47 kilo
09.00: 1 kaffe mit etwas kafferahm, 1/2 banane, 1 nektarine, 150gr naturjoghurt ungesüsst, etwas chiasamen
12:00: 2 kleine kartoffeln etwas hähnchen in öl – wenig, 2 maiskolben, salz
15:00 1 twix salted caramel
19:00: 60gr reis, tofu in öl gebraten und spinat mit knobli
21:00: eis oder ein drink
The breakfast I find okay would replace the Twix with a whole banana as a snack.
Your lunch and dinner is a really small portion, a bit more fiber and protein would be good.
I agree with the crowd, but a snicker can make it even if the rest is true
Turkish, that’s why I wrote, I’d let him go and not she should give up.
Ahso👍🏼aber sounds like this…
I don’t want to discuss whether it’s healthy or something, but who eats half a banana for the executioner? What happens to the other half? She’s gonna be lazy after a while.
The half 🍌 we have to take off 😁
Jesus give me strength….
Not my problem if you don’t understand fun 😝
The content is pretty good, but from the crowd it is thinking too little… You eat so little? Or can’t you do it anymore?
The food itself was very healthy, but the small amount makes it all unhealthy again.
If words like “something” happen, you know that everything is too late.
Too little what your low weight also documents well.
Your calorie counting is totally unnecessary.