Wie gestaltest du deinen Garten, um eine perfekte Umgebung für Entspannung und Erholung zu schaffen? Hast du besondere Pflanzen oder Elemente, die dazu beitrag?
Wie schaffst du es, deinen Garten so zu gestalten, dass er eine perfekte Umgebung für Entspannung und Erholung bietet? Gibt es besondere Pflanzen oder Elemente, die du in deinem Garten integriert hast, um eine entspannte Atmosphäre zu fördern?
A garden is always connected to work. One thing is this garden work relaxation and relaxation too equal. Manch is too much of this work and wants to lean back more.
Easy gardens are easy to cultivate by placing on permanent plants, i.e. dams, wood and meadow.
Meadow is green wildlife with grasses to us wild herbs. Just green and easy to maintain. From time to time, it’s good. Lawn, etc., is something else.
Flowering dams are long-year-old, but they also need a thorough cut to the root to maintain their vitality.
Obesity: there must be the right place. Free-growing needs more than tamed. Conifers? You must like them.
My predecessors had set absolutely on easy care, relaxation and relaxation. – Meadows, conifers, efeu and bite something flowering in pots. All “Friedhofsgemüse”, I felt it. For seniors with city apartment comprehensible.
Something from everyone, as Schreber once saw, is still up to date. Connecting the beautiful with the useful. Bubble and make it comfortable in the deck chair.
Creating a piece of absolute privacy is important. It’s good with certain planting. With finished visual protection constructions too.
Multiannual or one year? Both need appropriate assistance with regard to climbing plants. China’s or bamboo comes out without help.
In short: shielding with finished elements. More natural with canal aids or corresponding plants.
I chose giant chisel for a part of the garden and did not regret it.
Persevering dams with different bluete times, meadowlands less formal grass, some different gehoelze – some fruit and vegetables, “oecological niches” foerder – a lot of sunlight … Love for care in the garden
With me there are small water games that bring life into the green and relax me…
With us, the plants grow like somie. Berries were planted, nuts grow almost by themselves, and a few years ago we probably had 30 fruit trees planted.
Then there are areas that are regularly mowed and others are to serve nature. Blühwiesen, Tümpel, Wald.
Relax. .