Wie genau hole ich ein Paket minderjährig von einer post-filiale ab?
Ich erwarte Nächsten monat ein Paket. Jetzt wundere ich mich wie das genau abläuft mit Paket abholen. Da ich ja im Alter von 15 theoretisch ein Paket abholen darf würde ich gerne wissen wie das genau abläuft. Ich gehe davon aus das ganze kommt in einem Briefumschlag..
Moin Shadowplayer- usually you get a show delivered to the house. If you cannot accept them personally, the mailman leaves a notification in the mailbox. A bar code is printed on it, the number of the packing station, the address and the locker number. You go to the specified address and go to the display. There you have to admit that you want to pick up something. You have to make different information, such as name, address, etc., and then you have to keep the bar code in front of a scanner. Either the locker will open now, or you have to enter the numbers under the bar code. If both don’t work right now – try again until it works. A machine like this is just a person. I hope I could help. LG
I want to get my package delivered to the filliale
By showing your ID at hand. Your age shouldn’t matter…
Have fun with your delivery
I don’t know if I have such an ID.
No pick-up (if people from the DHL branch do their job correctly) without ID or passport.
If the package is in the branch, you can pick it up with your ID card.