Wie gehts euch mit dem Video?
Weil ich hab mir das grade angeschaut und gemerkt, dass sich viele Leute über den Mann lustig machen. Findet ihr das okay oder gerechtfertigt, dass manche sagen, dass sie da lachen müssen?
Müsst ihr da auch lachen, bei dem Video? =(
No I find it again when people make fun of the disabled
That’s right! And in the comments almost all made fun … =(
Unfortunately, there are such I can’t write here what I think of but they should be happy that they are healthy instead of making fun of the disabled so what makes me sad
It must be really terrible, imagine you’re suddenly in his skin! And he has the courage to learn karate.
Here’s the same. This is the fastest man on two hands and the people make themselves funny that if he would run against them on the street, they would probably scream and think the zombie apocalypse has begun: The Fastest Man On Two Hands – Guinness World Records – YouTube
I know the video and no, it’s not funny. I have the luck to be blessed with a body that knows no deficits and the person shown in the video is apparently Contagan-damaged and can’t do anything for their condition.
On the other hand, I’m not a proponent of a black belt being an expression of fighting skills. In this case, however, I do not want to judge this because it is impossible for the person, without his own fault, to develop martial skills.
Yeah, I had to laugh. But I don’t think it’s bad. Should he do his thing and I’m mine
Why did you laugh? Was there a special moment where you had to laugh?
It looks funny. Kind of like in the comic. Don’t know
Personally, I didn’t have to laugh, but I only had a lot of questions,
as for example: How about everything in the world has the nen black belt?
I think it’s not bad who you have to laugh as a first impulse, looks funny and is also unexpected.
I find it impossible to laugh about him, just like to make fun of it.
I don’t think it’s laughing.
No, what’s funny about it?
I don’t know. In the comments under the video they make fun of it. Did you at least look at the video? It only takes a minute.
Yeah, I did. But that’s nothing funny.
Yes, many do.
Okay, because many write answers here without looking at the videos at all!