Wie geht sowas?
Ich verstehe das nicht. Es gibt Menschen, die haben Kinder, Arbeit, Wohnung usw . Und müssen sich um alles kümmern.
Kinder zur Schule bringen, für sie ganze Familie kochen. Mit den Kindern zum Arzt gehen. Geld für Kinder ausgeben, Kleidung, Essen, Schule usw.
Wohnung putzen. Putzen beibringen, kontrollieren usw.
Bürokratie Zeug ausfüllen und schreiben.
Ein bisschen vielleicht Freizeit.
Vielleicht bei den Kindern bei den Hausaufgaben helfen, für die Kinder immer da sein müssen.
Wie macht man das? Wie geht das?
Ich glaube, ich bleibe für Single und werde niemals Kinder zeugen. Weißt nicht, vielleicht finde ich das auch so krass, weil ich selber solche Eltern nicht hatte.
All these things you’ve listed are completely normal. Fevery person lives somewhere and the house naturally needs care. In addition, not all people of a household and work are a very stretchy term, which is why you can have suitable working hours for your own life. Children of higher age can help their parents and do not need a constant supervisor. In the first years of life, however, this is different and a parent should hardly work to care for the young.
It is true, children have a responsible task. Similarly, in Germany, people who work are often distorted by their profession. But this also happens in people without children.
From my life I can call good examples. I live in a Greek small town, have a child and live mostly from my husband who works. I myself earn several hundred euros per month through passive income. We live well, but we could get a lot more money if we were to focus more on work. (In particular, with my “used” Abitur)
Over the next few years, as before my child, I will not be a full-time worker, but only care for my passive sources. And maybe minijobs from fun (Have I done several times 😉)
Many greetings,
Exercise – there you grow in and yes, sometimes you are just “plated” – and then you are wondering at once, because you hardly have looked around make your driver’s license (it’s just so 😉).
You need to organize and plan your life. A visit to friends is always a logistical task with children if the children do not have toys, if necessary Play blanket etc take everything.
Are you a nationalist? I’m asking about your username.
I am certainly not a nationalist – I live almost half the year not in Germany but in Africa – and the name comes from.
Oh, sorry.
Many of them are skillful time management and effectiveness in the respective tasks.
I’m only 17 and can only guess, but I think if you can leave as a couple and plan everything exactly before and organizes it somehow. Some also have friends or (great) parents who help.
It’s not that hard. If one understands something about structured working, organization and time management and also applies this knowledge, one can live a relatively relaxed life despite child. The tasks listed by you do not apply daily and not all at the same time. It can even be a lot of fun to create everything. In this way, you acquire valuable skills that benefit you in your professional life.
With good planning and organization.
You grow slowly. Here too, “there has not yet been a master of heaven.”