Wie geht man mit dem Thema Tod um?

Vor 15 Jahren war ich als Kind öfters in einer Stadt , in einem großen Park wo wir damals waren, und gestern bin ich da wieder hin gefahren und es war im Prinzip alles beim alten.

Ich hatte keine schönen Erinnerungen da mein Großvater gestorben ist, meine Oma ist leider schon sehr alt und krank und eben zu schwach und schafft es nicht mehr die Strecke zu laufen, und der Hund und der nachfolgende Hund sind auch beide tot die immer mitgekommen sind.

Ich kann Oma nur noch zu Hause besuchen und sie braucht Unterstützung beim Einkaufen und putzen. Zudem hat sie auch nur noch vielleicht ein paar Monate bis maximal 1 – 2 Jahre zu Leben, laut Ärzte, da sie auch noch schwer krebskrank ist.

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1 year ago

“Death is final and over!” Of course you are right, but only as far as you can. And at the same time it is wrong, namely when it does not go on.

It’s right that the spent body is finally dead. However, the body is by no means the whole person. Each person also has a soul whose core is identical to the divine original and therefore is incomprehensible for death. Therefore, physical death is also the liberation of the soul for eternal life.

So how to deal with death that affects only the body? One is aware that the love and good of the loved one is inviolable for death. This is an incredibly soothing and soothing idea.

1 year ago

Death belongs to life and completes life. This is an unavoidable process that we are all exposed to.

The aim is to accept this. For your grandma, you should just be there to support her where she needs help.

1 year ago


Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: mourning is different in people. You can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone. If you’re still going to school, is there a trust teacher at your school? Then you can talk to this.

I’m Christ. Faith helps many people with sadness. God loves you. If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.


1 year ago

it goes on after death, perhaps not as we imagine, but on.

1 year ago
Reply to  mitqlo

a dead person lives in the heart of the well-known

1 year ago
Reply to  mitqlo

the spirits are divorced.