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2 years ago

In the aviation industry, there is a well-maintained secret and that is the “Reichlänger” .

These are plastic bags where the urine is simply collected. Because today airplanes are still happy to fly by men, that’s not a problem.

For understandable reasons, no one speaks about the urine bag.

2 years ago

Then you had bad luck. You go to the bathroom first and you have to stop. In doubt, if it becomes quite accurate, you have to start the next airfield. Depending on the position, this can also be a whole piece.

2 years ago

Just like in a car, with stops. Transatlantic flights are definitely not the norm but it would be possible to take a bucket or chemical toilet.

2 years ago

Hold on. Or wear diapers.

However, a Cessna 210 does not even come across the Atlantic (range below 2,000km).

2 years ago

Since you’re on your way 6 to 10 times in between, you have to go to the tank…