Wie geht ihr mit Trauer/Tod um?
Hallo Leute mein Vater ist vor ca 2 Monaten verstorben und ich realisiere das so richtig erst jetzt, ist es normal das sowas erst später eintritt? Als er nähmlich gestorben ist habe ich soviel den 1 Tag geweint das ich danach emotionslos wurde und jetzt langsam nach 2 Monaten fängt es an hoch zu kommen. Wie geht ihr mit Trauer um und habt ihr Tipps?
Don’t worry, that’s normal. You need time to realize and process this. Last year, a teacher with whom I had contacted privately because of our common religion was suddenly deceased and I realized that only months later. When my grandma died, I even understood it over a year later. You and your mourning have a lot of time and let it go.
First time, yes, it’s normal. Everyone’s different from death.
For my example, I look at pictures and try to imagine the most beautiful and funny moments and talk much to the other people who were close to the person to have a bond that you are not alone with the grief.
Stay strong the pain is over soon when you survived the mourning phases.
For the first time I wish you my condolences. I can understand exactly how you feel. I’ve lost my mother three months ago and my father has been in nursing home for a short time. I’m just trying to work. My sister sits in a wheelchair and depends on my help. If I’m all. Of course I will. But otherwise I’m just trying to distract myself. Work, household, recently again hobbies. I was in the gym for the first time since the dead of my mother, for example, this weekend I was jogging again for the first time, and have now spontaneously registered for a marathon. On others, just somehow distract, computer, television, reading, learning.
Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: mourning is different in people. You can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone.
I’m Christ. Faith helps many people with sadness. God loves you. If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.
Yeah, that’s normal. In some cases, you push it up for years until you get one completely unexpectedly.
Much grass