Wie geht ihr mit Inkontinenz um?

Meine Frage richtet sich an alle Teilnehmerinnen. Bei mir fing es ganz langsam und schleichend an einige Zeit nach dem ich eine Geburt hinter mich gebracht hatte. Es war dann über die Zeit immer noch eher gering. Aber mit zunehmendem Alter wurde es dann aber doch schlimmer. Wie habt ihr euch damit arrangiert?

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2 years ago

There are some things to do! Beckenbodentraining, Liebeskugeln, Östrogensalben, etc. You can also write a cube at the Gyn. If used, like a tampon, and prevents leakage. Or hold templates…

2 years ago

Hello MamavonPissg103,

I myself only use the term “incontinence” as a reference where it appears necessary, but otherwise speak of surprising or spontaneous moments of water.

Incontinence quickly stamps off someone socially, that I had repeatedly observed in my surroundings and has been reported. Moments of the water we all know: “planned” and at the quiet place or just then in nature, with partly dress up and again.

Now it can happen that, for health or otherwise physical reasons, the water will no longer hold – and it comes to the sponans as well as surprising moments. For this, it needs an additional logistics, otherwise it becomes wet, where it should become less wet. Here the slips or panties as well as the inserts for the water come to bear – rather to be worn. You take the water with you, and you throw panties, panties or inlay away with the water.

These slips and panties of thesous garments are also a slip with which you can carry such a insert (which can be quite conscious).

In the context of a health issue, my wife and I had worn such slips. They were then also quite practical, for example on trips. Over a year ago, prostatitis had caught me – and I was glad to have just played such slips. As a result of prostateitis, such surprising and spontaneous waterfalls have repeatedly occurred – and they then landed (once in a funny situation) in such a slip.

Today such moments have become very rare – but I can’t completely exclude them. And so I like to wear when I’m out or sleep, such a slip or such an insert (depending on what’s more comfortable from wearing comfort). For us in the family, this is a matter of course.

Urologically it is not possible to make a lot of it – except for a medication that acts soothingly on the smooth muscles of the prostate.

Mechanically supported, I can’t keep the water because of my anatomy. I also think it is more ideal if they can flow – and I am used to the briefs that I like to ask myself if I just wear such a slip or not.

Best regards