Wie geht ihr damit um wenn euch Menschen stören beim Essen?
Ich saß alleine ganz entspannt im dönerladen aufeinmal kamen zwei ältere Frauen und haben sich neben an von mir gesetzt, ich wollte einfach in Ruhe essen dann hat sie mich angeplabbert und genervt wie es beim Fußball spiel nun steht und soweiter ! Wie würdet ihr bei sowas reagieren nervig so etwas oder?
I would have just made her so sublimely clear that I have no interest in a conversation or said: I don’t know myself sorry with footbal” but I have always got headphones in it from then on I’m not being addressed at all
Always have headphones so I usually don’t notice ðŸTM‚
Be nice and take the chance. Eating can you get to know new women every day, showing interest is a bit rarer.
Just eat and ignore them.
Sorry, but food has priority.
Say the next time kind you want to eat alone or you just take the food home when this goes
In short and in close response – courtesy is done, at the same time made clear that one does not want a small talk.
Did I do in spite of that she asked me further that is already a sign of harassment or
Yeah, some don’t have such empathy… Maybe it helps to turn something off at the same time…
So I always do
Yeah, that’s what they say to the Germans. They are rude, short tied up, don’t want any contact. I would have admitted a conversation, but it changed my way into my direction of interest.
In short, then it should be quite quickly clear that you want to have your rest.