Wie geht es euch wirklich?
Mir ist seit sehr sehr lange aufgefallen das viele sagen , das es denen gut geht , obwohl sie viel durchmachen müssen . Wie geht es euch denn wirklich , welche Probleme habt ihr , und braucht ihr jemanden zum reden ?
Mir ist seit sehr sehr lange aufgefallen das viele sagen , das es denen gut geht , obwohl sie viel durchmachen müssen . Wie geht es euch denn wirklich , welche Probleme habt ihr , und braucht ihr jemanden zum reden ?
Liebe Community, Seit ich vier bin muss ich dieses Hobby machen und ich wollte es nie, seit Jahren will ich aufhören aber meine Eltern zwingen mich. Ich hasse dieses Hobby ich wollte auch schon eine neue Sportart anfangen aber sie sagen nein. Ich habe schon oft das Hobby geschwänzt weil ich es verabscheue. Heute muss…
Seit längerer Zeit habe ich Flashbacks von meinen Träumen. Wenn ich aufwache kann ich mich gar nicht daran erinnern, was ich geträumt habe. Aber mitten am Tag kommt einfach so eine Erinnerung hoch, wie so ein Blitz. Das wiederholt sich andauernd am Tag. Keine Ahnung, wie man das beschreiben kann, aber ist das normal?
Ich träume jede Nacht mindestens einmal davon von einer bestimmten Person umgebracht zu werden. Bei dieser Person habe ich jahrelang körperlich und seelisch Gewalt erleben müssen? Habe ich einfach Angst vor dieser Person oder ist das schon ein Trauma? Was bedeuten diese Träume ?
Ich fühle mich so schwach, ich brauche eine Person die mich stark fühlen lässt und wohl fühlen lässt. Habt ihr eine? (YouTuber..)
Hallo, da ich seit meiner Kindheit/Jugend an einer rezidivierenden depressiven Störung leide, hat mir jemand den Tipp gegeben mir einen Schwerbehindertenausweis zu beschaffen. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit? War es einfach den zu erhalten? Würdet ihr es empfehlen?
To be honest, I don’t know that for years. Sounds stupid but is so😅 I always answer “I live”.
Then you should look for goals in life and strive for it. This will help you to be healthy again.
I’ve had goals for a long time, I can’t implement them through mental difficulties.
At the moment, I feel like you’re still alive (because of accidents/interferences). And now you have to start again so that it goes on. And yet I’ve taken care of other people in time.
You are a strong person, I hope you stand through this;)
Thank you, I have to. I’m still needed.
I am dissatisfied with my training, but have already broken 2 trainings, I don’t think to fit into this world slowly, as well as have been porn addiction for many years, making my soul quite damaged. I also believe in psychological problems, but I cannot overcome myself to go to the psychologist
Set the specific goals in life. If there is something that makes you happy then strew after it. This will help you get away from other things. If you need someone to talk you can write to me
I lost too many people in my life. I’ve lost my best friend, and then they all left me in such a phase that can’t cheer me up. I’ve found 2 friends now (W15 twins) but I’m still not satisfied with me I just lost everything and now I’m afraid to address people at all when I’m friends with them, I’m afraid they’re leaving me too. I’ve been talking to my parents lately, for example, I need 1 hour to get some word out.
I develop evtl. grad ne essstör, I want to scratch myself, I want to kill myself, I want to die, I have the urge to slit the pulsed wires with a knife, jump from a roof or jump from a bridge…
But except for the very good ^^
This is extremely serious. Please get help, talk to someone you trust or call a crisis hotline. Your life is valuable…
I’m just thinking about going into therapy just has to find a therapist but I’m looking for
Please read this with the self mort and even be injuring it will not be better for you to talk
Thank you
very good. Much strength to you, I hope you stand through this
Life continues (my father dies of cancer right now), but I’m super ðŸTM‚
That’s really bad. I hope you find the strength to get through. If you need someone to talk, I’m here
Thanks for the offer, but I have a wonderful family and we support each other pretty well.
Nice to meet you
I’m great.
I’m extremely resilient, so I can also make an extreme pensum.
I can because I want what I need.
All right? 😄
Mega attitude! Next so!
I’m sick
What’s the matter?
Depression because some of my friends committed suicide I’m guilty of
The school also ruins me, the second problem
Go after school to do something different than to hocken at home. I often get the Kriese . I’m always home and it’s holidays . So slowly my psych is broken…
It’s because you have to do something.
I’ve been doing it for two years and even who I’m not guilty of it, I’ve been sworn to ruin me after school 😭😭
No, you don’t want to commit the same mistake or maybe someone will think the same as you and then commit suicide, please look for a solution, not self-morning.
Yes can be but I just don’t think it’s like I just squeeze Wil off and forget ales
Not everyone immediately thinks of suicide. I am at a low point of my life and are currently looking for a solution. Don’t worry so much about it and you’ll never be guilty when someone commits suicide.
But I don’t want to anymore I just can’t get everyone I have my problems is dead and I don’t want this to happen again
I’m sure there’s someone out there who understands you
This is the problem the people who have understood me are dead and now I fight myself with myself mort thoughts
Don’t feel guilty about it. It was your own decision, you’re not guilty.
I’m guilty because I didn’t manage to stop it or take it off, that’s why I owe myself and have been talking to nimanden mer for almost two years.
Why do you feel guilty?
I can understand that you are very sad and hope you get out of this thing again.
self-morning is never a solution and is a separate decision. There is always a way to solve problems just not self-morning. Always think about it and take care of you;)
Counter question, how are you?
I’m not well, many family problems that destroys me.
I’m sorry to hear that. Hope the problems can be resolved
Thank you