Wie geht es euch mit langweiligen Jobs?


ich rede von so richtig stinklangweiligen Jobs, am Fließband oder bei McDonalds oder im Lebensmittelhandel.

Ich habe sowas immer wieder mal gemacht z. B. als Ferienjobs und bin dort vor Langeweile fast gestorben. Man hat zwar viel zu tun aber die Arbeit die man hat ist an sich derartig langweilig dass man es nicht aushält.

Wie geht es euch mit sowas? habt ihr sowas schon einmal gehabt?

Ich denke wenn ich das länger machen würde, dann würde ich psychische Probleme kriegen.

Ich habe diese Jobs nie vorzeitig abgebrochen – meine Eltern hätten mich da eh enthauptet wenn ich das gemacht hätte.

Während des Studiums habe ich sowas noch gelegentlich gemacht, es war jedes mal wieder extrem schlimm für mich und wie mentale Folter.

Jetzt habe ich zum Glück eine Stelle als Lehrer bekommen, noch während dem Studium. Und weiß nun dass ich zum Glück nie wieder solche langweiligen Jobs machen muss.

Aber mir tun die Leute leid, die in solchen Jobs hängen bleiben und nichts besseres finden.

Ich hoffe, dass irgendwann das alles automatisiert wird, sodass niemand mehr solche unangenehmen Arbeiten ausüben muss.

Ich halte Langeweile nicht aus, in meiner Freizeit beschäftige ich mich mit allen möglichen Themen und bilde mich weiter. Also sowohl historische Themen als auch Mathematik, als auch mit anderen Ländern/Kulturen und mit dem lernen von fremdsprachen.

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9 months ago

As an inspiring teacher, you should work intensively on you, especially with regard to self-reflectiveness, appreciation of other people and respect for other life realities! Too bad you could have taken a lot in this direction out of your side jobs, just in customer contact. It seems that you have not succeeded so far. I hope you can do this successfully before you get rid of your offspring…

9 months ago

You really don’t realize how arrogant and ignorant that sounds and is?

9 months ago

During my studies, I did something like this, it was extremely bad for me and mental torture every time….And now I know that luckily I never have to do such boring jobs again.

Ergo: You just did the job for money.

Same (pay money) you claim from the pedagogue:

I also dare to doubt that it is so ideal if children are raised/worshiped by people who have 0% personal reference to them, and make that pure of money because of being professional.

9 months ago

Exactly. Neither you nor the people in the retail trade or the system catering are fun to work on Freud.

And I am sure that others have the same picture of education as you do in retail or band work.

9 months ago

Teaching and BWL. There are all who do not know what else to do or were not good enough for other courses.

9 months ago

Whether boring or a job nobody wants to do

Or just studying because you get no other

9 months ago

Retail announced, went to the airline. Great decision.

9 months ago

Until not too long ago, i.e. half a generation back about, over 80 percent of all people have stood on a machine for decades every day and carried out the same work daily

9 months ago

I’m talking about badly boring jobs, on the assembly line or at McDonalds or in the food trade.

I worked for a short year at McDonalds in full-time shiftwork and I never found work boring. Yes, of course, the work is not the cream bottle, as easy as I would not title it either.

However, I have learned a lot, even if I would not want to work there as far as possible, especially after having enjoyed an office job;)

9 months ago

Most people don’t have a fuck because most workers just don’t bother to do for the job. Whether the job is or not. Then most would also get the dream job done and always like to do it. First of all, as a young man, do not think about the future by not training on his own personality at Minijob, you have always had a hard time in later professional life

9 months ago

Someone told me he had a boring job…
I said it’s good, then you have a lot of time to pray.
He laughed.

9 months ago

I’m sorry for the kids you’re getting let go of.

9 months ago
Reply to  anti45

You haven’t read his question about child education yet… 🙈

9 months ago
Reply to  kugel

Right now. I think he’s 12.

9 months ago

And bored…