Wie geht das mit dem 9 € Ticket im September weiter, bleibt das 9 € Ticket, kommt eine Alternative oder kosten die Tickets wieder ganz regulär?

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2 years ago

Certainly not.

As of September 1st, as long as there is no price increase, some allies have already made.

2 years ago

In some regions, there is a follow-up offer – for example, the SPD in Berlin wants to offer a significantly reduced interior ticket – but at federal level no successor product is to be seen. Although there was support for both the Greens and the SPD. Our best chance of such a ticket is to choose the cardboard noses that are currently opposed to choosing out on the next occasion.

2 years ago

First of all, the tickets again taste quite regular.

What comes later, we don’t know.

2 years ago

No, don’t stay.

2 years ago

The well-known 9,00€ ticket was a temporally limited funding measurethat ends now.

There are some connection programs, but:

  • not nationwide
  • locally limited to a composite
  • possibly limited to a country
  • significantly more expensive than the dumping price of 9.00€

Unified solutions are being discussed politically and would have to be negotiated between the countries if they were to apply nationwide.

Why so cumbersome?

The Occupationst in Germany very severely funded and otherwise everything else than usual. The countries are up to now for this.

2 years ago

The tickets will then be sold completely regülär.

2 years ago

From September 1st, you will repay the normal prices.