How does that work?

I'm totally confused and need your opinion. Last night, I started watching Christmas on my tablet. There were about 10 minutes left when I fell asleep. So far, so normal. But just as I was waking up, I heard German chatter with an English accent. "Tár" with Cate Blanchett was playing. And I see in my Prime Video watch history that I'd suddenly watched several other films:

Tár (half!)

The Red One (complete!)

The Shining (the remaining 30 minutes from my last time)

Excuse me? I have absolutely no memory of starting anything. My tablet was next to me, and I was asleep.

Now I ask myself:

1. Is it possible that I somehow came across the films while I was sleeping (with my face? Huh)?

2. Or does Prime Video have some kind of bug and keep playing on its own?

3. What's the point of this? Have I inadvertently boosted Amazon's statistics?

Have any of you ever experienced something like this? I mean, I've heard of sleepwalking, but watching movies while you sleep is a whole new level. And I'm definitely not a Tár fan… What's in it for me?

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3 months ago

If I look at Amazon Prime a movie then automatically starts another (usually similar) movie.

3 months ago

Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?

Have you ever heard about “car playback”?