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You have to consider your own attitude very well. Because only then can one dare in factual, scientific discussions.
I can only speak for myself – it is important to agree with justified criticism. Because there are such points in hunting, and if you try to get out somehow, then you have lost from the beginning. As in any discussion, one can take away his best arguments before a discussion opponent.
On the other hand, one has lost or becomes a discussion pointless as soon as emotions come into play. Anyone who discusses emotionally does not allow facts to apply. And especially in hunting there are “arguments” – both from certain groups within the huntership and hunting opponents – where one can immediately finish a discussion.
Criticism of hunting can be justified, a factual discussion about it never hurts. In terms of morality, however, there are things that you never agree. But, as I said, one has to think very carefully about his own attitude. It doesn’t make sense to displace it and still go hunting.
And if criticism of hunting trophies hunting, pure bloodthurst or pure animal cruelty by (consciously) false methods and the like, I am full of criticism. The same concerns alcohol consumption of some hunters, physical and mental fitness and so on.
Well, I have to say that. In some points hunting is even quite good because it sometimes also prevents overpopulations in German forests, because overpopulations can also be harmful to the fauna and flora. Sensual hunting for trophies or to make some nonsense from ivory, however, I do not find good again and this is also clearly forbidden.
Discussing with the people who criticize the hunt. Clearly, I often irritate certain misinformation of some critics. In certain points, however, criticism can also be positive to develop and improve.