Wie gehören diese Reitbegriffe zusammen/richtige Körperhaltung des Pferdes?
Hallo erstmal, also ich reite und irgendwie kennt man ja so die Begriffe und was sie ungefähr bedeuten und wie die Körperhaltung eines Pferdes sein sollte. Aber so richtig was damit anfangen kann ich dann doch nicht und wie das zusammenhängt.
Videos habe ich auch schon geschaut aber keiner erklärt ja alles zusammen. Versuche auch bald anderen Unterricht zu finden, wo mir alles erklärt wird aber weiß nicht inwiefern das klappt und dachte ich frage hier einfach Mal nach.
Also es gibt ja sowas wie:
Pferd geht am Zügel
an die Hand reiten
geht schön durchs Genick
Pferd ist vor dem Schenkel
an den Hilfen
untertreten, Hinterhand aktivieren
durchschwingen, Durchlässigkeit
Und noch mehr
Na ja also wie auch immer. Wäre auf jeden Fall dankbar für jede Erklärung 🤍
Puh – this is material for 3 books…. 🤨
I recommend for the first “Reiten und Fahren Band 1”.
Of course, on a video no one explains everything together – that’s too extensive. But if you like to deal with teaching videos – go to the channel of Wolfgang Rust Riding Acadamy, and watch the F series there. There are over 100 videos that he has set up. I’ve looked at ALL – several times.
How do you know these terms? Do you have lessons in which these terms are called, and the riding instructor simply assumes that everyone understands the ‘somehow’? That would not be rarity. Some riding instructors would be grateful if the victories informed him that they did not understand him.
Small example from my life: I rode for a number of years, as well as a newcomer. In almost every riding lesson the instruction came: “You must keep your horses before you!”. Well, group lessons, everything comes to everyone. But at some point I asked about the riding lesson (something geniuses because I thought it was a stupid question…)my fellow rider what he thinks. You couldn’t explain it to me. I looked at home in all my books (and I have some of them, and all completely read through!) – nothing. Asked Goggle – nothing. I then visited a friendly couple, who rides professionally at a very high level – “Yes….” nothing. The term everyone seems to know could not be put into other words. In the end, I asked my riding teacher as the last one, and confessed: “I honestly don’t understand what that means—if I have the horse before me, I’m actually behind it and I fell down. Something else I cannot imagine.” Sure THAT wasn’t meant. But nothing! The riding instructor was silent, and no, he didn’t laugh at me. He didn’t call this term again very long.
Since then, I always ask everything – no matter how stupid it may seem. And almost always I get a reasonable explanation, yes, often these explanations enrich the entire horror class. Because how often did a riding instructor have no idea that he talks about the heads, and wonders that nothing is going forward.
I’ll try it as well as you’ll explain second-hand Algebra.
A horse goes well through the neck when you ride it to the hand. They also say “on reins”, or correctly in line. Then it is up to the help because it is permeable, that is, it lets the help through, because it enters with active hind hand and swings through.
A horse can be set (in the neck), but not bent (in the whole spine), but there is no position without bending. And then there is the “ride in position”, also called “second position”, but this really leads too far: sidewalks are only explained in the volume 2 of the guidelines.
I say yes: conclusive explanations of all the terms are breaking the frame here. Get (at least) a book 🤗