Wie gehen getrennte Eltern damit um bei gemeinsamen Kindern?

Folgende Situation die häufig vorkommt : Ein Ehepaar ist völlig zerstritten – Gewalt und / oder Untreue.

Die geschiedenen Ehepartner möchten sich gar nicht mehr unter die Augen treten.

Wie wird dennoch der Umgang mit den Kindern gewährt ? Ist es da grundsätzlich so, wie man oft hört, das die Frau grundsätzlich das Sorgerecht bekommt und der Mann Pech hat und seine Kinder nicht sehen darf, bis sie erwachsen sind ?

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1 year ago

As a rule, the children stay with the parent who mainly taken care of before separation has. Recently, a father told me that it was completely logical that the children were living with the mother because he could not afford it because of his shiftwork. Or the father who wanted to take the child completely, but the child had never woke up, finished and brought to the mother of the day during his life. Therefore: Make progress in the partnership and take care of the child together!

In addition to the main residence of the child, there are different handling models: e.g. changing model or every second weekend plus half vacation or other models adapted to the family. Handling can be prosecutedIf there is no agreement on this.

1 year ago

My experience: the mother will be admitted to the children and, despite the common custody, she decides everything alone. She indoctrinates the children in such a way that they don’t want to see the evil Papa anymore, despite much fun at the joint weekends.

1 year ago

Is it basically the way you often hear that the woman basically gets custody

No, in principle there is the “common custody right”

What value the “Communitysame” depends among other things on what the mother understands and manages as “common”.

and the man has bad luck and his children cannot see,

That too. Basically no.

But mothers can do this very much and so some father misses the pleasure of such a “mother game”.

until they grow up?