Wie gehen eure Eltern mit euren Problemen um?
Die Frage ist natürlich für jeden, aber vlt können eher jüngere Personen was dazu sagen.
Wenn ihr zb. Probleme mit jemanden habt oder mit mehreren könnt ihr mit euren Eltern darüber reden oder “lästern” ?
Sozusagen wenn ihr ein Problem habt mit irgendwas oder irgendwem ist das auch gleich das “Problem” eurer Eltern ?
I could talk to my parents about it, but I usually keep it for me or talk to my friends about it. But if I tell my parents, they’re already trying to help me or at least listen and say their opinion. Unless they can’t understand, my father likes to make fun of it, unless it’s serious. But I have rarely had problems where my parents could really have helped me, so I usually don’t tell because I find a solution myself and I rarely have serious problems. If you also understand things that usually just annoy me, then I can often talk to my parents about it. When I tell them what I find annoying, they usually get up for me, which is always funny.
It may be that it was like that, based on your last sentence. I don’t remember.
I stopped talking to them about personal and emotional things.
At that time I was very closed and hardly trusted my parents because some things were embarrassing. Now as an adult, my first stop is my mom and I’m glad to ask her for advice.
So it would go too far now if I (19) were to say that this is a problem of my parents, but I can come to them at any time with my problems and do so often.
yes I can and could. My parents are always there for me. I can come to them with everything. Was especially important as a child. I had to be afraid of NIE.
From my own experience I can say that it is unfortunately not the case with me!
I wish it were different. I’ll share my problems with my brother or friends.