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A good friend of mine died 10 years ago. His parents were also destroyed on the ground. I don’t like painting what would have been a suicide.
Around time, I actually had (unabsolutely) suicide thoughts. In fact, the thought about the parents of this young man and then also my parents stopped me.
Lg, Nicki
You can get it. The human being has resources and can be resilient enough to get out of the matter neutral to positive. It also shows that the parents themselves have a will for life and something they still hold when they do not follow the child. So there must be something else for which parents live. (In the place I think less that only fear of death etc. holds one).
What is also clear: It will never be “normal” again or as before. It’ll be different. It can still be good again. but it won’t be normal anymore.
With me in the dormitory, someone took life, had been on the funeral, and that was really a moment you wouldn’t want to trade… It was very bad.
I don’t think it’s ever gonna be normal again, but you can handle it and be happy again, I think. I don’t know how it really is.
The death of one’s own child is a cemetery for all life. There is a ‘before’ and a ‘after’ but nothing will be more than it was before. The suicide of your own child is a multiple worse because the parents blame themselves.
Totally different. Depends on various factors, such as culture, how close one stood to the child, how old it was, whether a disease was known, how self-critical and emotional one is, whether there is a farewell letter and if there is something in it, how the child killed himself and why, etc.
The reactions can be that you continue to do as always and deny that there was ever a child, you go to therapy, becomes addiction, commits suicide, can be divorced, builds an altar for the child, becomes ultra-religious or other.
No, for relatives often worse… every life has a value you have to find yourself. Giving up is not an option you should be grateful for today’s possibilities in life. If you have such thoughts, TU ES NOT VERTRAU MIR you would regret it.
Should this be your own answer? I do not recognize any reference to my answer…
I would never make it
Yes I should be sorry
It depends on many things.
How was the relationship between each other, how strong parents are psychic and more.
Different, I guess.