Wie gehen Eltern damit um 11.000€ Beerdigungskosten zu bezahlen?
Wenn das Kind jetzt an Unfall oder Krankheit stirbt in jungen Jahren beispielsweise mit 10 Jahren wie bei diner Arbeitskollegin
Wie stemmen die das wenn die nicht gerade reich sind und plötzlich und unerwartet so eine Summe gezahlt werden muss
Klar es gibt Versicherungen für sowas aber da geht man ja nicht von aus in dem Alter?
That’s a pretty expensive burial. The cheapest variant is about 4000 euros. If there’s no money, the social office will pay.
The parents chose this funeral for the son, it was quite expensive.
Maybe they have savings, grandma and grandpa give something to it, or they take up a loan they gradually pay off.
The office is already for poor people, this is a simple funeral, which certainly does not cost this sum.
I suspect that the parents could afford the funeral costs, otherwise they would not have been so high in the price.
The shock to lose his beloved child is already so bad, surely they wanted to buy the best of the best for the child.
Normally you have insurance. If you don’t have to save, pick up a loan, or the office pays a simple funeral.
I don’t know if the office pays
If the parents can’t pay, they’ll be fine.
That’s why I wrote up for a simple funeral.
But only the cost of a simple burial. There’s 11000 away.
If they do not have enough, there is also the possibility that the State pays
A funeral does not cost 11,000 euros.
Cutting around 6000-7000.
If you don’t have much money, you can apply for support from the Social Office.
Her son’s funeral cost 11,000€ why she should lie
That would not have been necessary in the form and it will have deliberately changed.
You can say to the Beast what your own budget looks like.
Also offers cheaper variants.
You take savings.
You take a loan.
Relatives and friends put together.
Money is absolutely irrelevant in the face of such a situation.
Usually you inherit enough of which you can pay the funeral.
The child’s pocket money…