Wie gehe ich mit Panik um?

Meine Oma von mir ist eben komplett ausgerastet und beleidigte meinen Hund als „Arsc*loch“ und „Heini“ und mich als „dumme Kuh“. Dann knallte sie die Türen und sagte zu meinen Tieren „scheiß Viecher“ und das sie ihr am arsch lecken sollen. Dann schreite sie „jetzt guck dir die Sau mal an“

Ich habe Autismus und seitdem habe ich extremes Herzrasen und Panik. Ich traue mich auch nicht mehr aus meinem Zimmer raus und bin überfordert

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5 months ago

Your grandma may have overreacted because it is overreacted with your autism. Of course, that was not nice what she gave of herself – but once your grandma calmed down again, it will surely hurt her and she will want to apologize to you.

What about your parents? Or with friends? Can you trust this one? It would be good for you to be someone who can help you in your direct environment now!

Good luck!

5 months ago

Your grandma’s over-exacted.

My tip: listen to your favorite music. Maybe it helps to talk to another family member or ask your grandma what she died like when she calms down.

All the best

5 months ago

Get low air and find a distraction. If I can ask, there was a trigger that your grandma reacted like that?

5 months ago
Reply to  Likiiiikk

It’s a bit exaggerated by her…Naja. Are you feeling better now?

5 months ago

She’ll have had a reason for her behavior.