Wie gehe ich meinem Projektleiter, der zu viel erwartet?

Ich arbeite in einer IT-Firma und wir arbeiten in einer Machine Learning Gruppe, weil wir sonst keine Projekte haben (bin sonst backend Entwickler, aber es gibt nichts zu tun derzeit, weil wir im Projektgeschäft sind). Mein Projektleiter hat dauernd irgendwelche Ideen, was wir umsetzen können, Problem ist aber:

1) Außer mir hat noch keiner ein Model trainiert oder längere Erfahrung mit LLMs.

2) Wir sind 2-3 Entwickler, die wenig Erfahrung haben.

3) Das Produkt soll für gerade mal ein paar tausender verkauft werden.

Ich sehe nicht wie man das erfüllen soll und wir haben es der Geschäftsleitung schon vorgerechnet, demonstriert etc. trotzdem will man anscheinend nicht aufgeben.

Problem ist: Ich fühle mich, als verschwende ich meine Zeit.

Und nein wir wurden nicht für den Bereich eingestellt, wir sind keine Data Scientist. Zumindest außer mir hat damit keine große Erfahrung.

Die erwarten halt auch, dass wir das innerhalb von n paar Wochen oder Monaten produktiv fähig machen.

Es zieht mich mega runter, ich komme demotiviert auf die Arbeit und es gab auch schon ein unschönes Gespräch mit der Geschäftsleitung wo man andeutete, dass wir ja einfach keine Lust hätten.

Ich werde die Leitung eh nicht überzeugen können, aber daher meine Frage wie geht man damit persönlich um? Wie gibt man sich in Gesprächen? Ich muss ja trotzdem Professionalität bewahren.

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1 year ago

An IT specialist isn’t an all-rounder.

Is he definitely not… Just like any other person.

  • but we are creative and problem-solving.
  • It also includes “conquering” new yet unknown areas.
  • to develop
  • constantly learning new

but there is nothing to do at present

Then it’s okay if you use the “free” time to deal with you again. Since then happy, if your boss does not send you to office, but wants to keep you and set you a goal that offers a perspective from his point of view.

Besides me, no one has trained a model or longer experience with LLMs.

… good for you… One-eye under the blind . So be a teacher and build your lead. If your colleagues already call you “KI expert”, then be one .

…unbeautiful conversation with the management where you indicated…

Okay, I wouldn’t be so hard to call it “no pleasure”. …but you’ve been inflexible… pampered…

Now comes the famous:

…that would not have happened to us… (Always the old zausel with her life wisdom 🙄)

You should be glad that your boss is concerned to keep “mimimimoses” yourself. …and also wants to direct you into a new (alternative) direction… (the shortage of skilled workers drives strange flowers. I would have fired you)

(…sorry for my drastic expression, I don’t have much understanding for people who are not willing to develop. )

My recommendation:

Look at the job as a chance…

What’s wrong? Your wages are on time…

The product should be sold for just a few thousand.

It is not Your job to evaluate how profitable a project is… that goes to the “Deckel” by the boss…

Other developers need to learn their “normal” projects. As I see, “learning” is your only project.

If you ask yourself why I represent a somewhat “badenlose” opinion:

Before I started with “IT” I already had two completely different specialist degrees and various specializations/”notes”. At the end of the 90s, the offer came to program a control system for a chemical process control (because I was only interested in the implementation of fuzzy logic on the computer) and there was no other). I had no plan, just a little “school chemistry” in my head and as a hobbyist no engineering knowledge to work really structured and had to do as any regulated work to feed my family.

In addition to my normal work, my “partner” and I developed a production process and its inovative control.

…It was the coolest time of my life and the beginning of a new path.

I’m retired now and I’m learning for fun again. I don’t want to go back: “I haven’t done yet” . If sometimes former business partners and customers come up with a problem, nobody expects me to be able to do anything. But you know that I was concerned about it and maybe some completely “irrwitzge” solution shook out of my sleeve.

1 year ago


accept the requirements of the AG or look for a new job. There are no alternatives.

1 year ago

Submit your dismissal and start with what you wrote here. Of course, look for a new job before.

1 year ago
Reply to  Christiangt

He’s coming here so fast.

No desire is no job setting for the boss likes to pay money

1 year ago

I don’t see how to do this and we’ve already presumed it to the management, demonstrated it, etc.

I thought you were IT specialists?

Didn’t you study or something?

Problem is: I feel as wasting my time.

Why should waste time

What else would you do?

That would be wasted time.

unsightly conversation with the management where we were told that we were simply not happy.

Don’t want to?

As I would react as a project manager

You don’t have to work – no one forces you to work

Money for lustless workers is, of course, waste of money

Is there enough working people?

I still have to preserve professionalism

I’m glad you noticed that.

You don’t notice your work setting

1 year ago
Reply to  jeadony2736

But no one – have no bell to work

And usually no one says “don’t give it earlier – we don’t do it today”

Otherwise, your computer would be without electricity to call us a typewriter.

No area is as changeable as IT.

I’m doing something very different today than before.

Just that is often even the interesting thing in IT.

This has nothing to do with tile band work at Daimler am Band.

1 year ago
Reply to  NackterGerd

Just because someone has studied IT he doesn’t have to be able to do everything for a long time, and that doesn’t require a normal employer.

If I as a AG a backend developer instead of then as a backend developer, I also do not expect that he will develop a new CAD program.

He may then only be allowed to assume it without prior consultation.

As far as the working moral is concerned, you have either misunderstood or do not understand. It is not about the questioner not wanting to work, he is working on a project in which he does not see a future and has also been misoccupied.

It is somehow clear that in the end the work moral is not the best if the employer does not understand that he is part of the problem and not the employees alone are the problem.

Professionalism does not mean that you have to let your employer enjoy everything and if the employer confuses professionalism with submissiveness, then there will be a lot in the operating climate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kelec

…that his employer lets you please everything…

ne… Of course not.

According to my Lesart, the employer does not do anything “honorous” when he writes instead of terminations, at his own entrepreneurial risk, to “write” his employees into new technologies. (They give to be experts, this also includes flexibility)

It is not the task of employees to evaluate the profitability of a project. If the boss sees a chance in the long-term perspective in working with LLMs, it is his job/risk to lead the company in this direction.

In return, his employees should also put the necessary professionalism on the agenda. Your wages come… why the whole lamentia?

No one behinds the employees “to vote with their feet” whether they trust their employer’s ideas…

1 year ago
Reply to  Kelec


Of course there is one that says where it goes

This has nothing to do with submission.

that you have to let your employer enjoy everything

Sure – But there was no real reason why the worker shouldn’t do his job here.

because we don’t have any projects

The employer tries to secure jobs here with new projects

AI can also be interesting for their normal projects

If he would have preferred to be quit because there is no work, he can announce himself if he is the lover.

No one forces him

He can. But even his employer does not force him to pay for money in the long term if there are no old orders and new ways are undesirable.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kelec

Just because someone has studied IT he doesn’t have to be able to do everything for a long time, and that doesn’t require a normal employer.

Of course not

And that’s not the point.

It’s just about the zero-bock setting.

Problem is: I feel as wasting my time.

Time waste can’t be if he’s tired

Whether they create a project, of course, stands on another sheet.

Of course, depends on project managers.

But no lust and waste of time are the wrong attitude

1 year ago

I have drawn in your (from my point of view) questions of the last two years. This gives a different impression of the situation.

In principle, it’s not about your employer’s projects…

You have (once again) encountered a situation where the tasks seem too great.

Your post regarding your “study performance” speaks volumes.

I have studied computer science for humanities and social scientists for 4 years and previously had sociology in the Bachelor, with a few computer science modules.

…My master thesis was in the field of machine learning…

I have graduated after 2.5 years (…) but no modules have been completed since I was strongly mentally ill. I then did a similar degree program and postgraduate Bachelor + Master.

From the egg dance with the employment office and the irreal 4k-Netto challenge of your father, depression… I don’t want to talk.

All of this creates the little flattering overall picture of me that at the slightest track of “printing” you get out of the joints and in your environment you destroy the guilt. (Male the parents, sometimes the “incapable” students, sometimes that one…)

Don’t blame me now, I didn’t want to be injustice and judge only on the basis of the current thing…

I see your current lamentia, which now pushes the black Peter to your AG, rather than the search for people who are sorry for your head and are overwhelming you with solidarity.

Yeah, I like to have made one of those judgments here…

I’ve already seen 1000s of different characters pass over to me and my critical look has rarely deceived me.

Even I’m not Superman… I was already in situations where my knees trembled, that happens to everyone. But jammering is not the solution.

No, I’m not taking your head!

1 year ago

I give up apparently you don’t want to understand

I’m just reading a mimimi on your side. You’ve been in an unprecedented strong position. You don’t have to be afraid to go punching.

No one can force you to push overtime. I myself have sometimes been on the keyboard, but not because someone would have prevented me from doing the evening, but because I just wanted to solve the thing… (of course, bullshit, if you’re “over” you’re just going to be “capacity” before)

1 year ago

According to my Lesart, the employer does not do anything “honorous” when he writes instead of terminations, at his own entrepreneurial risk, to “write” his employees into new technologies.

If he does. I read it more so that the entrepreneur here presents a time and budget plan without taking into account the state of knowledge of the employees.

It’s nothing wrong to say, look at this and read in, and then we go on.

For me, it sounds more like the project manager comes around the corner and says that the project is you have a month of time and is ready for under 10k.

It is not the task of employees to evaluate the profitability of a project.

However, employees play a role in the profitability of a project. If I ask my employees to implement a project with impossible low funds then it is likely that the costs will be higher than the client will be willing to pay.

In return, his employees should also put the necessary professionalism on the agenda. Your wages come… why the whole lamentia?

As I said, there are apparently two different ways to read this story.

You can read as the employees are not willing to read into new ones or the employees can make the project impossible in the given context.

I read out from the descriptions of the questioner here rather second scenario and if my boss asks me what I can’t do with the given means, I would also be demotivated.

No one behinds the employees “to vote with their feet” whether they trust their employer’s ideas…

Well, at the latest the landlord of the apartment already.

But in such a case, I think it is better to change the employer if the opportunity arises.

1 year ago

You obviously have no idea about costs and project management.

And I know exactly what I’m talking about overtime

But if you explained here you would have more idea we project manager and managing director then quit and do yourself

But you will quickly realize how reality and the True Life looks.

ALL developers in the team are demotivated,


Then join together

Open your own company.

Just make that what you just want

Don’t worry.

You won’t have a waste of months.

As long as it’s not good.

Good luck

1 year ago

Time waste can’t be if he’s tired

It may be a waste of time if it is foreseeable that the project will not succeed. Unfortunately, such problems are often overlooked as supervisors if you don’t listen to his employees.

Of course, sitting around and doing nothing is also wasteful of time and I understand why new projects have to come here, but what I don’t understand is that you don’t seem to be looking for anything better suited to the employees or giving them time for training.

There are paid further trainings more sensible.

Of course there is one that says where it goes

Of course, that is also clear, but that does not mean that this someone can ask for something from his employees, which is simply not possible, is not feasible or if he thinks he can treat his employees like servants who have to do everything he says.

This is a wrong attitude that leads to poor working conditions and low motivation among employees.

Sure – But there was no real reason why the worker shouldn’t do his job here.

But that the team that works on the project is not able to implement this sensual in that time.

The employer tries to secure jobs here with new projects

Then the whole thing is obviously wrong of this communication for me it works as if the employer here thinks the ITlers must be able to do everything and this gives them project periods which seem unrealistic and the workers here seem to have no right to speak.

1 year ago

In time I could have done something else for the company

Sure, but there are no orders

We haven’t been doing this since week, but soon 2 and half months. This is no longer justifiable.

I don’t understand

It is a new project

As a replacement

And development naturally takes time.

If you are too slow, why don’t you close the project faster?

I’d rather understood that you wouldn’t have been so much aware of it, and then it’s rather longer than going faster.

And if I do overtime so I can find the correct information and know the necessary about papers etc. get because I am the only person with the pre-knowledge.

One since her a team.

That’s what everybody can do.

You may not be forced to overtime

You also do this training

Above all, it is also further education for future projects!

It is not a waste of time