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Does she open it, so take the frame and want to replace her picture with yours?
Or are these only attempts disguised as a “pass” to tell you through the Wink with a woodwork that she wants to have her photo in your home?
Or is she trying secretly while you’re not in the room?
I would first look at the picture frame that cannot be opened. If necessary, stick the corresponding areas and edges of the rear side to the rear side of the frame in colorful or glitter (as you can see “it is glued).
And then respond to it when she tries to do it the next time and then frustrates that doesn’t work. “This picture frame is only intended as a frame for this picture. Any further picture comes into its own picture frame!”
And then there are still enough ways to find a solution. Maybe she gets her own picture frame for her portrait photo and then she gets her own (official) space with you (for you to choose as a housekeeper – she as a guest does not look for the place for her photo).
Thank you. 😊
I don’t think that goes at all and honestly I don’t want to have a picture of my mother-in-law standing or hanging in my house.
Simply address what you want to do with it and then also say that you don’t want to.
Let her do it when she makes it happy. You can hang it back when she’s gone.