Wie gefällt euch Weihnachtsmusik?
Welche Antwort trifft am ehesten auf euch zu?
Ich mag Weihnachtsmusik übrigens ganz gerne und höre sie mir auch manchmal auf YouTube an, aber eher in Form von Videospielsoundtracks, die halt weihnachtliche Musik beinhalten.
Christmas songs good and beautiful – but now you know as well as everyone. And by now, they’ll come out of your ears.
But there’s always one thing you don’t know. The probability that you like it then is naturally low – but sometimes it works.
Only today I heard an unknown ballad from the PRETENDERS, which I find very good:
“Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”
Thank you for the Golden Star 🙂
I hear it on the radio but voluntarily I don’t listen to it on Youtube, etc.
I’m staying with my everyday playlists.
From time to time with the family you hear the music but if I am alone rather not!
but not in Christmas mood
From 1st Advent or 1st December – depending on what is earlier – my advent playlist runs. From 25. December I will turn to the Christmas playlist.
I love this music!
It’s partly beautiful music. That’s enough.
It belongs to me for Christmas, e.g. Wham – Last Christmas.
… but all year round! So I hear “Jingle Bells” or something like that in summer too!