Wie gefällt euch / hat euch die Serie “FROM” gefallen?
Eine albtraumhafte Kulisse in einer Kleinstadt im Herzen von Amerika: Keiner, der sie betritt, kann ihr wieder entkommen. Die unfreiwilligen Bewohner versuchen zwar, irgendeine Art von Normalität aufrechtzuerhalten und nach einem Ausweg zu suchen. Doch sie sind nicht auf das vorbereitet, was auf sie in den Wäldern wartet, welche die Ortschaft umgeben. Dort wimmelt es nur so von furchteinflößenden Kreaturen, die nach Sonnenuntergang ihre Behausungen verlassen.
Die Umfrage basiert auf dem schulischen 1- 6 Notensystem,
1 = super, 6 = grottenschlecht.
Never heard of the series. I don’t know if I’ll look at her.
So I went through Staffel 1 now and found it really good. For me, it’s not a horror because I’m really brunetted and I’m not scared anymore, but the series is really exciting and not predictable. So get started with the second season, I want to know how to go!
I don’t know her, I wouldn’t look at her if she came to us. After your description, she’s no good for me.
So as creepy as it reads, I can’t find it. I just find them exciting because you can’t foresee what happens next. In some series and films, it’s so clear and obvious that it’s boring. Inexplicable things happen in the series, so one cannot foresee them. And that keeps the tension up.
I used to look at something like that. But now I like it more relaxed.
Ey, look at them pleasing, the poor villagers did not deserve you to look away at their suffering… ;p fun The series is really not bad, the monsters usually look like people, only sometimes like monsters, the place holds all caught and plays with the mind of its involuntary inhabitants, basically similar to Lost.