Wie gefährlich können Staaten den bestehenden Kryptowährungen werden?


ich bin circa seit 1 1/4 Jahren in verschiedene Kryptowährungen wie Ethereum, Bitcoin, Iota, etc. investiert und intendiere auch weiterhin einen Teil meines Geldes in genannte Coins zu stecken.

Da ich aber gerne für mehrere Jahre, wenn nicht sogar Jahrzehnte investiert bleiben möchte, stelle ich mir natürlich wie vermutlich jeder andere die Frage, welche Probleme auf den Kryptomarkt zukommen werden. Vor allem Frage ich mich, in wieweit verschiedene Staaten durch Verbote dem ganzen einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen könnten. Wie würdet ihr diesbezüglich die Zukunft des Kryptomarktes einschätzen? Es wäre doch einzig logisch anzunehmen, dass beispielsweise die USA oder die EU nicht zulassen wird, dass der Dollar/Euro zukünftig durch beispielsweise den Bitcoin ersetzt werden soll.

Hat jemand hierzu eventuell eine fundierte Meinung?

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3 years ago

How dangerous states are cryptocurrencies depends on how well blockchains can be monitored. Of course, a state cannot have an interest in money laundering, terrorist financing or tax evasion. cryptocurrencies not fully monitored for states are prohibited.

Prohibition is not so difficult to imagine. It is a question of the height of the penalty and if the user (all) have to expect to visit, because the possession is punishable, a ban must also be enforced.

If the law enforcement is transparent, on the one hand themes of ecology arise. Prohibition of ownership for climate targets is currently exaggerated, only this is one variant. It would be more important to me that they will be banned at the latest if they really have the function of a shadow currency, so that the national currency will noticeably replace the exchange rate, the countries will not accept the important currency (USA, Euroland) as well as other attempts to replace the US$ as a world currency.


  • use as exchange for trust in a currency,
  • part of the debt is in circulation and
  • Buying and selling in a stable currency ensures costing security for businesses and facilitates trading (€ effect)

The question for me is not whether, but when states increasingly ban cryptocurrencies and I think that there will be a lot of things going on for those affected.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rat2010

cryptocurrencies not fully monitored for states are prohibited.

How should a state monitor cryptocurrencies or in what form do you imagine or how and to what extent should this be possible?

Prohibition is not so difficult to imagine. It is a question of the height of the penalty and if the user (all) have to expect to visit, because the possession is punishable, a ban must also be enforced.

I would also be looking forward to a more detailed explanation. How should the State prohibit it and enforce this ban? How should the State be able to determine that person XY is owned by cryptocurrency(s) XY?


use as exchange for trust in a currency,

part of the debt is in circulation and

Buying and selling in a stable currency ensures costing security for businesses and facilitates trading (€ effect)

Very nice and large part also correctly listed.

  • Cryptocurrencies also fulfill the purpose of the exchange. You may have confidence in your euro / national currency here in the euro area, but increase inflation and thus uncertainty, this confidence will disappear very quickly towards the country / national currency (see Turkey, Venezuela, etc.)
  • What do you want to say about the state debt issue?
  • The problem is that you see as a basis only the € / US$. These are currently stable for you. When I calculate all goods in e.g. in sand, I also have a certain costing security for me / business etc. I know that for example an apple = 1kg of sand costs. As described above, Venezuela, Turkey… you can ask the supermarket seller, entrepreneur, shop owner how often he changes his price tags. But if you have a limited, decentralized, non-inflationary currency. will cost an apple = 1 cryptoding, for example, and the price will not change as soon as you see the price of “cryptoding” decoupled from Euro/US-$ and other FIAT currencies. “Cryptoding” then receives its own value attributed to society.

The question for me is not whether, but when states increasingly ban cryptocurrencies and I think that there will be a lot of things going on for those affected.

As already mentioned, please describe to me more precisely how this ban should look.
a.) how to determine who has cryptocurrencies
(b) how will this person act or use it, etc. be prohibited?

3 years ago
Reply to  frankie82

Dear Frankie,
is nice that at least one reads what I write but howl no one reads the comment is too much for me

The blockchain may not be anonymous for the criminal offence and the immature to get dei names should also be small. For all those who have a political thing to say, that is logical, only hardly anyone cares about it. Of course, people also need tax identification numbers that are behind the sequences of digits (a.) ). A ban is a law passed.

3 years ago

Since I am a professional board of investment advice, where every money can be invested (also 6 € of wealth-effective leisutngen), this is not selfish. I know how to make money and know that everyone can do it and that it has nothing to do with speculation. All states without a pension topic simply let their citizens invest in companies. It’s just logical to make money like that.

…Coin is a currency. So does not produce anything, but costs (power). No ideal condition to be owned as a capital investment. Companies grow, earn money, pay dividends and increase prices, leading to inflation. To invest in co2 blown into the air instead of participating in them is not wise. It is possible to speculate on this – as in other currencies. They’re not suitable for money. But no more than a public debt, because for public debt you get at least interest.

If you continue to live in your world, you will not be surprised if there are cryptocurrencies exactly as long as states find it most good.

3 years ago

Too bad you can’t go to my open questions and it seems like you’re pushing.


shows very well that purchasing power has been / will be robbed.
Just because it shouldn’t be the case with you, it’s a pretty selfish thinking. I am pleased if you are financially well, but the truth for the other part of the population looks different.

As already mentioned, not all people have the opportunity and happiness to invest their money in shares, real estate, gold or whatever asset or to be born in the euro area, for example.
The subject of scissors between the arm and the empire becomes bigger (we already have)

Money was created as a means of exchange and to allow states to conduct wars and to keep their people satisfied. The aim is not stability throughout the world but moderate inflation (of 2 to 3 %, often more). Would you take that as a nation? Or until the next election? If so, continue to believe in cryptocurrencies and that they become important.

Money = exchange / means of payment. Too bad you already knew.
Guess why the gold standard was abolished? Because Nixon needed more money for his great Vietnam War (wars are so horny) but this was no longer covered by the gold, which is why he “transversely” set the gold standard. This passing has lasted over 50 years.
Just look at the graphic with the title “Real GDP Per Capita and Median Male Income”.

How do you want to ensure moderate inflation with the current money system?

El Salvador had the US$ as currency after Peso and Colón. Now they have the bitcoin as a third currency. Whether the idea was good will show up. Presumably, the IMF makes help dependent on the abolition and that was it with the bitcoin in El Salvador. There is also a state bankruptcy because the course went down. No complaints that this is another country.

Right El Salvador is taking a huge risk, but it also knows that they will otherwise depend on an instance like the IMF if they need to get more and more help.
But guess why the IMF panicks and El Salvador does not want to use Bitcoin anymore? They certainly don’t do that because it’s the best friends of El Salvador or because they say “ok, then we’ll save you and get some money out… you have to pay back.” They want to stop Bitcoin because the IMF is afraid that other states can follow and, as already mentioned, the IMF loses power.


3 years ago

My purchasing power doesn’t rob anyone. More than 20 years ago, I had the last direction (day or festive) money to the facility and no person in the world – at least no one in Europe – has to make such money.

When you’re on your own world, you can think as you write in the last sentence. Money was created as a means of exchange and to allow states to conduct wars and to keep their people satisfied. The aim is not stability throughout the world but moderate inflation (of 2 to 3 %, often more). Would you take that as a nation? Or until the next election? If so, continue to believe in cryptocurrencies and that they become important.

El Salvador had the US$ as currency after Peso and Colón. Now they have the bitcoin as a third currency. Whether the idea was good will show up. Presumably, the IMF makes help dependent on the abolition and that was it with the bitcoin in El Salvador. There is also a state bankruptcy because the course went down. No complaints that this is another country.

3 years ago

You’re about points that are old and me too. States determine how Switzerland has to deal with Liechtenstein or Switzerland with number accounts (forbidden) and they determine that the ultimate owner must be passed on when working with trustees. An example from my practice: a depot in Lux needs not only the tax ID but always a current ID from every German customer. The rules for an account or depot there are therefore harder than in D.

Can’t follow your depot approach? what does this have to do with the above / previous text, does it somehow not see the connection? But you’d like to take a little to the point.
This is in itself a huge disadvantage, one wants to participate in the market and it will make an account more difficult to open depot just so that I can use my money? (no matter what form of exchange, means of payment, value retention)
Of course, that’s really good… it’s quite right. Can the billions of people ask how cool they find that they have no access to a bank account/depot. As a result, the scissors between the arm and the empire only go further apart.

Your point b.) is simply nonsense. I’m sorry, but this is a case for homework. Tips: abolition of banking secrecy; Payment limits for cash payments almost all over the world. cryptocurrencies make sense only for the shiny part of society.

Too bad you don’t want to go into the point. Maybe you should follow your advice and start your homework first.

Maybe this post will help you.

In 2020, the criminal share of all cryptocurrency activities decreased to 0.34% (10.0 billion US dollars of transaction volume).


According to the United Nations, between 2% and 5% of the global GDP (from 1.6 to 4 trillion US dollars) of the FIAT money is linked annually to money laundering and illegal activities.

People who want to create honestly saved money and invest in cryptocurrencies as before in gold should be aware that they probably have to prove the origin of the money very closely at some point. There is a presumption of innocence in the law, but it can be put out of force by the legislator.

This part shows me, unfortunately, that you have not yet fully understood our current money system.

look at the following page more details and see how our money / payment system has developed after the abolition of the gold standard.


The person who is honestly saving today is stupid, because his money loses value faster than anyone can only be sweet. Tip: Purchasing power loss, consumer price index

I also honestly don’t know what kind of problem you have with the origin of the money? It is also not a problem if, for example, cryptocurrency XY is issued by the state. (See El Salvador and Bitcoin)

The ECB pumps and prints money from the NOTE and takes your purchasing power. The ECB, FED, create money from the NOTS coupled to nothing and unlimited.

3 years ago

When 13 people see an answer (not read) I can send mails or PN back and forth with comments.

You’re about points that are old and me too. States determine how Switzerland has to deal with Liechtenstein or Switzerland with number accounts (forbidden) and they determine that the ultimate owner must be passed on when working with trustees. An example from my practice: a depot in Lux needs not only the tax ID but always a current ID from every German customer. The rules for an account or depot there are therefore harder than in D.

Pseudonyme blockchains are unsuitable for terrorist financing and for crimes/tax evasion if the one behind the pseudonym can be disclosed to law enforcement. If that can be bypassed on any way, not. Because what can be avoided. In the net more (and not less) than in the RL.

Your point b.) is simply nonsense. I’m sorry, but this is a case for homework. Tips: abolition of banking secrecy; Payment limits for cash payments almost all over the world. cryptocurrencies make sense only for the shiny part of society.

People who want to create honestly saved money and invest in cryptocurrencies as before in gold should be aware that they probably have to prove the origin of the money very closely at some point. There is a presumption of innocence in the law, but it can be put out of force by the legislator.

3 years ago

is nice that at least one reads what I write but howl no one reads the comment is too much for me

Can’t follow your logic completely here. There are enough people for the content, opinion and information count without actively participating in a discussion. Because only by this is to form an opinion or to break through old patterns and question things.

The blockchain may not be anonymous for the criminal offence and the immature to get dei names should also be small.

a.) most blockchains are not anonymous but pseudonym.
(b) Why is law enforcement so important to you? You are already aware that illegal activities are also financed through cash/ FIAT money?

A ban is a law passed.

as I have already written elsewhere
Prohibitions are not always sensible and some bans are only pronounced and adopted because there are conflicts of interest.
The fear of losing power and influence is usually so great that it seems easier to pronounce/enact a ban (in the hope that the resistance keeps within limits or that no one asks or deals with it)

Women’s choice ban, colour e.g.

3 years ago

Living together has and needs rules. I’m allowed. no harm, just because it’s after me. That was different, but it was regulated.

Didn’t anyone ask? And I think it’s more than clear what I meant.
It is also forbidden to go over a traffic light in red. (Have you done it before)

Weak! Ever heard of democracy?

Never said anything against democracy? See my example with women’s choice or election ban.
And now ask yourself why women were forbidden to choose colorants at first? Because of MACHT, when a group of interests is added, for example, women and say “Hey, I do the same work as the man over there, but only 60% of the money he gets” is that then right? ?

Money is power and if one realizes that his money is in danger and thus his power will see that there is no loss of money / loss of power.

If the people (and their parliamentary representatives) are for good reasons (and there are very good reasons!!!) against cryptocurrencies, they are still forbidden. As in the case of the belt or the helmet duty, there will be a few who will not find it well or get over it, but the legislature cannot take into account that.

Just give me a few good reasons to see if I can refute them. I would also be interested in how this ban could be / should be implemented.

And you say the people have to decide. The people are, for example, still unable to understand cryptocurrencies. It seems and is still too complex for many (as we can see here).

The opposite is the case! MEPs are already approaching every day when cryptocurrencies are finally banned. Environmentalists, people who are asked by their craftsmen, their blackmailer or their associated maffia organization, whether you can pay without invoice and in …coin and some in offices and ministries do not find this kind of shadow currency funny.

Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I should like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent report.

Blackwork was already there in the craft before cryptocurrencies and will be paid the cleaning woman, hairdresser, painter, etc. black and certainly not with cryptocurrencies.

Also, I can hardly imagine that, for example, a craftsman employed black and says “yes, I’ll give you X Coins / cryptocurrencies”

If so, I would be very pleased with a source.

Unfortunately, you always express yourself very vaguely… what offices and ministries and why or what will they not find funny? Why? Unfortunately, you can’t follow here a little more precisely.

3 years ago
Reply to  frankie82

> Didn’t anyone question? And I think it’s more than clear what I meant.

Theme is that you’re a rule that you don’t find good as a ban. Many things are regulated in laws and that is good, because laws are governed by us, or by the majority of the population, or the representatives of them, and all have to be judged accordingly.

> And now ask yourself why women were forbidden to choose colorants at first?

For the same reason that …coins are not yet banned. Sometimes it takes time. Politics learns! Often much faster than many believe.

> Please give me some good reasons to see if I can refute them.

Sure. Do you want me to make sure that every currency is not transparent to law enforcement? Otherwise, terrorist financing, money laundering, and the promotion of crimes of all kinds (especially extortion and tax evasion) comes to:

  1. Money is power and if one realizes that his money is in danger and thus his power will see that there is no loss of money / loss of power.
  2. States use currencies to blame themselves, so to finance all that one promises to voters, but also what is needed surprisingly and suddenly (such as coronary aid and wars). They can also blame themselves in a foreign currency. Because you have to imagine a state like a company, it is much more pleasant for the state (due to costing security) to blame yourself in your own currency. States such as those in Euroland, GB, Switzerland or the USA are not used to debt in foreign currency, and will end the issue at the latest if no more loan in Euro, Pound, Franken or Dollar is given to them. When cryptocurrencies become important, all of them suddenly have the subject of weak currency countries and get exactly their problems. The topic is that, unlike banana republics, they can do something about it.
  3. It is in the nature of the blockchain that energy is consumed not only in the litter but also in transactions. Energy, which comes from fossil sources, as energy does not have to be produced worldwide if it is not needed.

> I would also be interested in how this ban could be / should be implemented.

With our IP addresses for law enforcement, we are almost as transparent as with our bank account. I think it just needs a ban, similar to one of the gold bans. Of course not a German, but a ban agreed by the EU with the USA. The IMF has just discovered the issue and is already talking to the only country that has a cryptocurrency as a legal means of payment. This paves the way for a ban. If cryptos can no longer be exchanged in FIAT money anywhere and if no more can be paid with it, the rest of the market will be done within a few hours/day. The subject is history.

> of whom are the MEPs approached every day? (Not from the 0815 citizen or the middle class and the poor citizens)

As regards the 0815 citizens: The people are, for example, still unable to understand cryptocurrencies. It seems and is still too complex for many (as we can see here).

The points 1, 2 and 3 are simply to be understood above. In this case, too, what I did not deal with. There are people in offices and ministries who are just allowed to rework because the government has not responded in time to Cum-Ex and Cum-Cum, and who see exactly that the topic of cryptocurrencies does not disappear. Others see that far too long, quite normal building standards (KfW 55 and KfW 40) have been promoted. How logical and how much more meaningful is it to ban cryptocurrencies? Don’t die! Finally, there are also people who operate that in D only up to €1,000 can be paid in cash. Do you think they’re doing this, where money laundering isn’t taking place in cash today?

How do you get black work? Anyway, I didn’t write anything about it, and I didn’t think anything about it. I’m just on handicrafts because one I’d have asked if I could pay in Ethereum. This is more about tax evasion than black labour. So the source is me.

> which offices and ministries and why and what will they not find funny? Why? Unfortunately, you can’t follow here a little more precisely.

Financial offices, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Justice …. If searches run into the void or laws seem absurd, because there are also cryptocurrencies, this is a topic for them. If everything (for the Jusitz) is transparent, points 1 – 3 still apply.

Topic is certainly that you don’t understand. But maybe I’ll underestimate you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rat2010

[…] There are people in offices and ministries who are currently allowed to rework because the government has not responded to Cum-Ex and Cum-Cum in time, and who see exactly that the issue of cryptocurrencies does not disappear. Others see that far too long, quite normal building standards (KfW 55 and KfW 40) have been promoted. How logical and how much more meaningful is it to ban cryptocurrencies? Don’t die! Finally, there are also people who operate that in D only up to €1,000 can be paid in cash. Do you think they’re doing this, where money laundering isn’t taking place in cash today?

I don’t know if it’s clear to you, but you’re just showing out loud examples that we’re sick and wrong with the current FIAT system. With cryptocurrencies, you would be able to represent and track the cash flow transparently (from Cum-Ex as well as Cum-Cum shops) in order not to allow a tax fraud to such an extent. As already mentioned, money laundering and illegal activities are mainly made with FIAT money.

How do you get black work? Anyway, I didn’t write anything about it, and I didn’t think anything about it. I’m just on handicrafts because one I’d have asked if I could pay in Ethereum. This is more about tax evasion than black labour. So the source is me.

So please just think about it and don’t make it so easy for me… here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia
Blackthe Performance of services or works under Infringement of tax law
The craftsman worked with you, you would have paid him black now (without tax) it would be simply black work.

Financial offices, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Justice …. If searches run into the void or laws seem absurd, because there are also cryptocurrencies, this is a topic for them. If everything (for the Jusitz) is transparent, points 1 – 3 still apply.

Still can’t follow you. Where’s the problem?
What if searches run into space? What and what kind of research?

If, for example, what should be missing from the tax office, the tax office says, like today, “Hey Bürschchen, but here I lack proof XY if you cannot provide it, there is no tax refund blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

If the Ministry of the Environment finds that you do not run a sustainable mining, for example, or otherwise what is on the cover, by just having to pay a fine or just having to hire the operation, etc.

Topic is certainly that you don’t understand. But maybe I’ll underestimate you.

Until now, unfortunately, you have not been able to make any of your statements meaningful, either with sources or with ideas and suggestions that allow a meaningful conclusion.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rat2010

Theme is that you’re a rule that you don’t find good as a ban. […]

I’m trying to stick to all the laws/rules that apply to me in the country in question, whether I find it good or reasonable on another sheet. I, as a free covenant, have the right to complain about laws, rules (if I have participated in the elections and are dissatisfied with my people’s representatives?) Sorry that I don’t like a lemming all the ideas and suggestions of our government / People’s representatives well hot…

For the same reason that …coins are not yet banned.

and he would be? Do you always have to pull everything out of your nose?

Do you want me to make sure that not every currency is transparent to law enforcement? Otherwise, terrorist financing comes, money laundering[…]

The topic of terrorist financing, money laundering we already had and I have already shown you a source that FIAT money supports or finances more illegal activities than cryptocurrencies. Do you read and understand anything else?

Money is power and if one realizes that his money is in danger and thus his power will see that there is no loss of money / loss of power.

Thank you… nice to see my point of argumentation and sell it as yours. This is exactly the point… people, companies, institutions, states are afraid to lose their money / their influence (by e.g. the women’s electoral law, press freedom, cryptocurrencies, etc.) is trying to prevent this.

States use currencies to blame themselves, so to finance all that one promises to voters, but also what is needed surprisingly and suddenly (such as coronary aid and wars).[…]

Your argumentation chain doesn’t make any sense here? A State may also be responsible for cryptocurrencies and does not necessarily require FIAT money to make known investments.
Let us take the whole EU to introduce and use cryptocurrency XY. Now Germany really sucks and we need money, then we knock nicely with our EU member states and ask them to give us cryptocurrency XY to a certain interest rate.

I’m glad you’re insulting other states and countries that aren’t as good as us. You can be lucky to have grown up in one of the richest countries in the world.

It is in the nature of the blockchain that energy is consumed not only in the litter but also in transactions.[…]

Who do you think we need the energy or not? If cryptocurrencies are enough followers then the energy is probably also needed for this? Just because it sounds absurd and crazy in your eyes or you can’t grasp the technology and the idea behind it, it doesn’t have to be directly bad. The Internet, e-mails etc. has not understood anyone until a few years ago and was also only Hokuspokus. It does not have to be understood, however, if it is simple, accessible to the “normal” person and offers added value then it has fulfilled its purpose.

With our IP addresses for law enforcement, we are almost as transparent as with our bank account.[…]

I think you’re too easy to imagine. How should a country build the IT infrastructure for this project? Who should supervise and control this, how should it be financed? There are enough ways to surf anonymously on the Internet today without leaving great traces (VPN, TOR, etc.) how do you want to turn off these networks and services?

If cryptos can no longer be exchanged in FIAT money anywhere […]

That doesn’t have to be done, and it’s just the point you have to get from understanding. A bottle of Cola will not cost 2€, but a bottle of Cola will cost, for example, 0.02 KD (KryptoDings).
Fiat money is just one exchange just like any other money, so it’s just as much value as we write to this money. For you, for example, a car is worth 30,000€, I can and does not want to start with €, for example, this car is worth 20,000kg of sand for me because I can start with it more.
Best example of this link


then you understand.

As regards the 0815 citizens: The people are, for example, still unable to understand cryptocurrencies. It seems and is still too complex for many (as we can see here).

Oh, yes, thank you again for giving me one more time…

3 years ago

Too bad… unfortunately your comments show a completely different picture…

I still wish you good luck and success as an investment advisor.

3 years ago

Yes, I am quite sure!!!

Read the not in vain point 1 of my arguments, why the people can be against cryptocurrencies, and depending on whether they will be at least ten times and try to understand it.

You wrote it, but you seem to have not understood it.

Money is power and it goes from the party in a democracy (in D § 20 GG), in a dictatorship of the Regent and in communism.

3 years ago

Krypto is like ne share it can happen that bitcoin, Ethereum and co maybe someday garnix more who is but also vice versa, to your other question I have no answer, but I have a favorite krypto that will dramatically increase, it is doggecoin and costs 14 cent. Can you think about it?

3 years ago

Question Warren Buffet.

cryptocurrencies will be banned over short or long because they endanger the financial system.

3 years ago

can you please explain to me what this ban should look like or how the state wants to implement this in order to ban cryptocurrencies?

3 years ago
Reply to  frankie82

It’s easy. The exchange will no longer be possible.

3 years ago

Frankie, you’ve got to have a weird understanding of the state.

Living together has and needs rules. I’m allowed. no harm, just because it’s after me. That was different, but it was regulated.

> Prohibited mainly by central decision-makers are always only done and proclaimed when one is afraid to have power and control.

Weak! Ever heard of democracy?

> Certain interest groups are now afraid of cryptocurrencies as these fears, power and control are to be dispensed with.

It’s all over. There is a lack of understanding (e.g. the one who used to kill his opponents to persevere). You have cryptocurrencies. If the people (and their parliamentary representatives) are for good reasons (and there are very good reasons!!!) against cryptocurrencies, they are still forbidden. As in the case of the belt or the helmet duty, there will be a few who will not find it well or get over it, but the legislature cannot take into account that.

The opposite is the case! MEPs are already approaching every day when cryptocurrencies are finally banned. Environmentalists, people who are asked by their craftsmen, their blackmailer or their associated maffia organization, whether you can pay without invoice and in …coin and some in offices and ministries do not find this kind of shadow currency funny.

3 years ago

Right, you can and will always go beyond prohibitions.

Not all prohibitions are beneficial to society and serve.

Prohibitions, especially by central decision-makers, are always only made and proclaimed when one is afraid to have power and control.

Of course, certain interest groups are now afraid of cryptocurrencies as these fears, power and control are to be dispensed with.

Only in the course of time will it be possible to see if a ban is sensible/was or not.

Only as an example:
Ban of vote (women, colourful, etc.)

3 years ago

Well, a ban does not mean that something is no longer possible. But it becomes difficult, etc.

3 years ago

It’s not that easy. That is why the question of how to implement it. How should the exchange be stopped or no longer possible, I am excited to hear a response from you.

If cryptocurrencies represent a certain value for people and these, for example, notice the FIAT money spent by the Landesbank, is nothing value, will and can always be exchanged. e.g. two Ethereum, Bitcoin = a car, an apple, 10 pack toothbrushes, or a camel is exchanged for a box of wine.

That’s nothing else like in a prison… what do you mean in many prisons if you want to be the real “money” cigarettes?

3 years ago

I personally cannot and do not see any danger to cryptocurrencies or legitimate cryptocurrencies

3 years ago


a few good opinions have already been expressed here.

You have two levels in the crypto area. One level is the classic coins. You try to buy them cheaply to sell them later more expensive.

The other is the technological level. This isn’t about a coin price. The technology and its use are more important here.

The crypto technology has already won. It is used in more and more areas.

The cryptocurrencies will eventually experience a turnaround. At some point, most Coins will die.

In 2017, the question for me was whether the states would ban such coins. Five years later, I am no longer asking this question. Because the digital national currencies are published or developed in pieces.

Of course, bans are being issued again and again, but this will not happen worldwide.

Therefore I find investing well, but you have to reassess everything year after year. I always think about Krypto in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, I also like to invest more in crypto companies, instead of only in the coin.

If anything else is unclear, you can also write me directly.

Greetings Björn

3 years ago

If positive interest is introduced, the normal investor will return to the bank. It’s gonna make some bubbles burst. In particular, the market for pure speculative products will correct – in particular the highly risky cryptocurrencies.

I could not sleep with a larger portfolio of cryptocurrencies today. It’s an extreme powder barrel.

What is often played down is now the fact that crypto does not relate to the climate objective and is currently a means of payment that is annoyed by society that is not subject to a state supervisory authority.

3 years ago
Reply to  Panther44p

I dissolved my portfolio after several years last year.

3 years ago
Reply to  FinisTerrae

Can only partially agree

Although it may be that the normal investor goes back to the bank (in its seemingly “safe” port…)
But it is more because it is simply too little knowledge/education related to. cryptocurrency, money system and co. does not have time to deal with it.

It will certainly (if not already the case) place some projects. But this is no different from the DotCom bubble… since every money wanted to make with this new / great internet and every company had a cooler / better idea than the company from the previous day and was therefore of course also more value and overrated. The Internet / Email and sustainable companies have remained.
We also have this problem with cryptocurrencies without question.

I could not sleep with a larger portfolio of cryptocurrencies today. It’s an extreme powder barrel.

That’s why the Golden Rule… you only invest as much money as you’re ready to lose or lose. how to afford. (depending on the asset)

Who goes beyond is either desperate, very naive and/or greedy.

What is often played down is now the fact that crypto does not relate to the climate goal

  • many cryptocurrencies rely on renewable energies
  • there is an abundance of overproduced electricity worldwide that is not used anyway.
  • can crypto make sure that companies finally bring back more effective, better produce, better, more durable goods to the market (instead of simply trying to increase sales figures every year)

that no state supervisory authority is subject.

How is this a disadvantage?

3 years ago

2016 with Bitcoin and Ethereum