Wie gefährlich ist Frankfurt Düsseldorfer Straße?
Ich will im Sommer auf ein Konzert gehen. Bin allerdings alleine dort, als Mann. Konzert beginnt um 20 Uhr im deutsche Bank Park unter der Woche. Würde dann mit dem Zug anreisen und in einem Hotel schlafen. Wie gefährlich sind die Viertel um den Bahnhof. Hätte beispielsweise ein passendes Hotel in der Düsseldorfer Straße gefunden. Ist es dort abends gefährlich alleine durchzulaufen und sollte ich umplanen
I’ve been there at 4:00 in the morning or later. My hotel was also close to the railway station. Ideally, you take a taxi at the time. I wouldn’t run around at the time alone. I was on my way with three other people.
Even if it’s only 3 min walk?
That’s not a very long distance.
So that’s what’s going on
This neighborhood is not more dangerous than other neighborhoods. If you take the time to go away there and talk to people, you will meet great interesting people who have to tell exciting stories.
Best drive at night with a taxi or a taxi to the hotel right up to the door
Is Uber driving all night?
Yes Uber goes all night. It’s just cheaper like taxis. Can you download the app
Yes, just like taxis, you can call you one, just hold on to the app and that you’ll go to where you want before. The price is fixed. It’s a little cheaper than the taxi. It is also fixed which driver comes with which car you can see on the license plate.
Thanks and they always drive from and to what place
The station district is like any normal neighborhood, it only depends on your behavior! – Like everyone in life!
The best way to live your life there without looking for contacts and not tearing up your mouth is to fear nothing!
Very dangerous, I saw people getting Colombian ties.
It’s crazy or
Yeah, that’s the fucking thing. What do you think?