Wie gefährlich ist Chemiegeruch in Textilien?

Hallo ich habe mir auf Amazon ein Wandtuch bestellt und es stinkt leider ziemlich stark nach Chemie. Ich habe es 2 mal gewaschen und es riecht immernoch.

Wie krieg ich den Geruch weg? Und ist das immernoch gesundheitsschädlich, auch wenn der Geruch weg ist?

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11 months ago

I’m afraid it stinks a lot about chemistry.

Unfortunately not sufficient to assess the danger 🙁

How do I get the smell?

Air and warmth. Optionally, for hours to days in the waste air dryer or a few days at the sun on the laundry line.

harmful to health, even if the smell is gone?

*This* is no longer harmful to health – what’s gone is gone.

But who sells stinking textiles may also not take other protective provisions as seriously, so it is quite possible that odorless substances are contained.

However, if you hang the cloth on the wall, I don’t see any danger – unlike skin contact – the substances that escape as a gas are removed by the extensive air.