Wie gefährlich ist ChatGPT?

Ich habe heute mal gesehen, wie man damit Schwachstellen-Analyse für Webseiten machen kann und würde fast sagen, dass man damit das halbe Internet sehr intelligent angreifen kann (zumindest alles, was auch einer OpenSource-Technologie basiert) und das ist vielleicht auch nur ein Beispiel, das ich kenne

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1 year ago

I think improved search for vulnerabilities is the least problem. The problem is from my point of view deep fakes and lyrics that look good and are still wrong. Furthermore, there is a risk that certain jobs will no longer be asked, because ChatGPT writes beautifully. And in the end, quality and diversity suffers.

1 year ago

ChatGPT is nothing more than an improved search engine.

And if it were as dangerous as you would like to show that suddenly no website is safe, then we would see, read and hear clearly more about it. And it would also lead the operators to eventually invest more in their security.

But yes, just as you can abuse a hammer or a car as a murder weapon, you can also abuse ChatGPT for things that may not be so great.

Is that why we should ban hammer, car, etc? Because they can do evil in wrong hands? I don’t think, especially since we should ban the Internet, do we?

1 year ago
Reply to  l3487171

I am also sure that it is much more than an improved search engine.

And with what do you establish this opinion? Do you have any expertise in this field?

1 year ago

ChatGPT is nothing more than an improved search engine


ChatGPT is not a search engine

It only creates texts from an outdated own database and not from the internet.

A search engine searches the internet every day around the clock and collects the data to find and offer the appropriate website on a search request.

You are comparing apples with cherry kernels

1 year ago

This does not have to do with a search engine

This description comes from me. Experience shows that lay people can understand better than what they should look at ChatGPT.

1 year ago

I can justify that ChatGPT passed the Turing test.


And what is the test to prove?

This does not have to do with a search engine and not even with a tool that abuses the internet

1 year ago

I can justify that ChatGPT passed the Turing test.

Google’s LaMDA-KI also passed it, which subsequently proved its invalidity. The test is deemed to have been passed if a person cannot significantly assign the answers of another person and the AI to one of the two.

But what does that prove? That ChatGPT is able to formulate answers that act for an outsider as if they could have come from a person. No more and no less!

This does not make ChatGPT intelligent or gives it a consciousness or something. It only shows that the training data and parameters were sufficiently good to work intelligently.

There are various very special programming problems that ChatGPT has solved excellently for me.

ChatGPT didn’t solve anything. Other programmers have solved them and the AI has found sufficient examples of your problem in their training data to present functioning snippets.

That was nothing you can google, not on stackoverflow and co.

Under warranty! ChatGPT cannot think creatively. It is 100% excludedthat it can solve a problem that has not yet been solved by a human being!

I work with ChatGPT myself and often it presents solutions that do not work. Especially in complex algorithms, it often fails mercilessly!

1 year ago

A chat is a conversation and has nothing to do with vulnerabilities analysis.

There are other AIs that are much better suited for this.

ChatGPT can only talk