Wie funktioniert Prime Video?
Ich habe überlegt, mir Prime video zu holen, bin mir aber nicht sicher, wie es funktioniert.
Wenn man ein Abo abschließt, dieses aber im nächsten Monat nicht bezahlt, wird einem einfach der Zugriff genommen, bis man bezahlt, so wie bei Netflix, oder wird weiterhin abgebucht, sodass man ins Minus geht und “Schulden” hat?
Prime video can be used as part of an Amazon Prime subscription or as an independent subscription. The subscription is paid monthly or annually in advance. If the payment remains, access to Prime video content will be blocked until payment is made. Amazon does not try to keep debiting if the account is not covered, and there is no debt. Once the payment is resumed, the user will receive access to the content.
Meaning if I have a subscription, but don’t pay for the next month, I don’t have to worry about Amazon taking away the money despite that?
Exact.can not use the service
Thank you, that was really nice to help me
If you can’t apply 8,99 monthly, just leave it. The delay in payment is annoying.
Prime is posted monthly. If the amount cannot be recovered, you will lose all prime rights.
If you order Amazon as a prime customer anyway, Amazon TV is included.
No, you can’t blame. They’ll probably get you the prime right until you pay.